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Love Match (Love Match 1)

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Just then, an announcement crackled over the loudspeakers, telling them that the rain had stopped and the courts were being uncovered. Luke snapped his book shut. “It’s been nice catching up with you, Stein.” He hurried off as fast as he could without making it look like he was running away.

That night, he paced in his room, waiting for Jesse to arrive. Finally, there was a knock, and he ushered Jesse in.

“We’ve got a problem,” Luke told him.

The smile evaporated from Jesse’s face and his hands froze on Luke’s hips. “What happened?”

“Koehler knows we went to Venice together.”

“What? How?”

“I don’t know. Did you tell anyone?” Luke resumed pacing.

“No! Of course not.”

“Well, someone told him.”

“Well, it wasn’t me.”

Luke’s tone was sharp. “Then who was it?”

“Are you accusing me?” Jesse sputtered. “Why the hell would I tell that asshole?”

“No, I’m not accusing you.” Luke sighed and his voice softened. “I know you wouldn’t tell anyone. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to get angry with you.”

“It’s okay.” Jesse wrapped his arms around Luke and kissed him. “We’ll just have to be careful, right?”


“And we already are. I’m sure he’s just trying to psyche you out. He probably doesn’t know anything, Luke.”

“Maybe not.” Luke leaned his cheek against Jesse’s head and enjoyed the feel of him in his arms, his distinctive scent filling his senses.

“So let’s not worry about Stein Koehler.”

Jesse stirred against him and they kissed, slowly at first, tongues and hands exploring leisurely. They stretched out on the bed and peeled their clothing away and as Luke’s mouth moved across Jesse’s stomach, he marveled at how he couldn’t get enough of him.

What he’d had with Nik had been wonderful, but he felt like what he felt for Jesse was getting stronger by the day, possessing him to a degree he’d never felt before. When they were apart, he missed him fiercely, and sometimes it scared him a little.

They rolled around on the bed, kissing deeply, bodies straining together. They both gasped for breath, Jesse on top of Luke, grinding his hips down. Luke groaned and decided it was time to get to it, or they’d be coming from humping each other alone.

He sat up and maneuvered Jesse onto his hands and knees, reaching for the lube and a condom. Jesse pushed back against his slick finger, spreading his legs further. He thought for a moment about what it would be like to just forget the condom and thrust into him, feel the burn of flesh on flesh. What it would be like to come inside him, feel himself spilling into Jesse’s tight hole …

“Christ,” he muttered, taking a moment to catch his breath so he wouldn’t come right there. Obviously condomless sex would be a decision they discussed together. One they had plenty of time for. Luke slipped the condom on and soon he was moving inside Jesse, hands tight on his slim hips.

“God, Luke,” Jesse moaned.

“Is it how you used to imagine it would be?” Luke knew his ego didn’t need any more boosts, but he couldn’t resist asking.

“Better. So much better.”

“You like my cock in your ass?”

“Yes, yes, god yes,” Jesse murmured as they moved together, a steady rhythm punctuated by their gasps and moans.

A drop of sweat ran down Jesse’s spine, and Luke bent to taste it, his tongue swiping upwards as he angled his hips to thrust deeper. “You’re so tight,” he grunted.

“Right there,” Jesse gasped, and Luke started pistoning his hips faster, hitting the same spot over and over again until Jesse was coming with Luke’s name on his lips.

Luke came a moment later and waves of pleasure washed over him. Head thrown back, mouth hanging open, Luke rode the wave. When it subsided, he realized that he was clutching Jesse hard enough to leave bruises. He sat back on his heels and disposed of the condom quickly, returning to bed and covering Jesse’s hips in slow, tender kisses.

“Mmm,” Jesse murmured. He rolled over onto his back. His stomach was wet with splashes of his seed, and Luke licked him clean as Jesse caressed his hair. Luke shifted and spooned up behind, pulling Jesse close against his chest.

“It’s all better than I ever imagined,” Jesse whispered as they drifted off to sleep.

Luke agreed and squeezed him tightly. He wasn’t sure when it had happened, but he never wanted to let go.


“Damn,” Mike Madison exclaimed as Luke’s serve zoomed past him. “That rocket is on fire today.”

Luke grinned. “Yeah, looking pretty good, huh?”

“You don’t need me to tell you that. But I do anyway.”

“That’s what friends are for, Mike.”

“You’d better appreciate it.” Mike tossed a ball into play and they began rallying back and forth.

“I do, don’t worry.” Luke practiced his backhand, hitting the same shot repeatedly.

Their practice court was one of the small outside courts at the Wimbledon club. A sizable crowd gathered to watch since Luke was there. When he hit a particularly good shot, they applauded, and he waved his thanks.

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