Love Match (Love Match 1) - Page 54

His fellow commentator made a joke about what Luke ate during the delay to put the zip back in his step and Steve chuckled dutifully. “Well, whatever it was, he should stock up. It was a bumpy start, but his focus is back now and if he keeps it up over the next few rounds, he’s on track to meet Riel in the semis and then possibly Koehler in the final. Of course, that’s assuming both those players get through their rounds, too.”

On court, Luke and Jesse slugged it out from the baseline before Luke tapped in a beautifully placed drop shot to win the point. “With touch like that, Rossovich is going to be hard for his next opponent to beat.

“And Luke’s got the break again here and the chance to serve this match out. Jesse McAllister didn’t play badly, but he was just outmatched here today once Luke got the ol’ engine in gear. But Jesse is certainly a young player we’re keeping our eye on, he’s had a great year and could be cracking the top fifty next year.”

A few points later, and Luke had won the match. The two players jogged to the net and shook hands, exchanging a few friendly words. Steve and his partner looked at each other with raised eyebrows. They’d been given strict instructions from the producers not to mention the rumors that had dogged Luke and Jesse since London.

“Looks like these two players are still friendly, even though they’re not playing doubles anymore. They sure did make a good team, and we’re not quite sure what happened there—they really seemed to be jelling together.”

In his ear, the producer shouted at Steve to change the subject. “Anyway, it’s on to the next round for fan favorite Luke Rossovich. Coming up next is Taylor Vargas, a promising young American woman we can’t wait to see in action.”

They went to commercial once again and Steve smirked. “How much you want to bet Rossovich and McAllister are kissing and making up right now?” He and his partner laughed, and the producer chimed in with another lecture on keeping the broadcast family friendly.

Luke’s hair was still damp from his shower when he headed to the pressroom to answer the obligatory questions. The hallway was empty, and Jesse stood outside the door, shoulder leaning against the wall.

Clearing his throat, Luke said, “Hey.”

“Hey.” Jesse didn’t look at him.

“How’s…” Luke trailed off. He knew how it was going. Not too damn well. “Are they backed up in there?”

“Yeah, that cute little Russian girl beat Pinneo. They’ll be drooling all over her for a while longer, I expect.”

Luke nodded and the silence stretched out. Finally, he said, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Jesse faced him, arms crossed. “For winning? That kind of attitude won’t get you to the final.”

“For everything.”

Sighing, Jesse leaned back against the wall. “Just don’t, okay?”

“Okay.” Luke shifted from one leg to the other restlessly. He wished they would hurry up and just get on with the press conference for their match already. “Going home tomorrow?”

“No, I’m still in the doubles.”

“Doubles?” Luke felt gut-punched. “You’re playing doubles? With who?” How did he not know this?

“With Logan Adams.”

Tall, dark, handsome-as-hell Logan Adams? “Oh, since when?”

Jesse looked at him as if it was the stupidest question he’d ever heard. “Since a few days ago when the tournament started.”

“Right.” Luke fiddled with the label on his water bottle, pulling it off in strips. “So what’s he like?”

“He’s cool. Has a great backhand volley.”

“What about off the court?”

“Off the court?”

“Yeah. You guys hanging out, or whatever?” The paper peeled away from the bottle and he stuffed it in the pocket of his shorts.

Jesse sputtered in disbelief. “Are you…are you jealous?”

“What? No!” Luke’s face flushed and he knew he was as transparent as Saran Wrap.

Jesse looked quickly over his shoulder and then past Luke down the hall. “You are! You’re jealous.” He laughed and shook his head.

“I was just making conversation.” Luke’s jaw set and his tone went cold. “Forget I asked.”


“I said, forget it.”

Sighing, Jesse leaned back against the wall and stared down at the floor. After a moment he asked, “Would it matter if I was? Sleeping with him?”

The door to the pressroom opened and a perky woman burst through. “I’m so sorry for the wait, gentlemen. Who would like to go first?”

Since Jesse was closer to the door, Luke motioned to him and Jesse went inside, smiling and making small talk with the press officer. When it was Luke’s turn, he took his seat and answered questions, laughing off the rumors about Jesse and steering the questions back to his game, to his odds of winning the tournament.

Luke could give the appropriate answers in his sleep. While he assessed the draw and his chances against the two men who were currently playing to be his next opponent, his thoughts drifted.

Tags: Keira Andrews Love Match Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024