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The Christmas Deal

Page 11

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The tinny notes of a pop song echoed from Angela’s dark-pink purse, and she exclaimed, “I’m so sorry, but that’s my daughter’s ring tone. She loves that Shawn Mendes.” She swiped to answer. “Hey, sugar! Hold on a sec.” To Logan and Seth, she smiled widely. “So wonderful to meet you. I look forward to seeing you both again soon! Don’t worry, I’m not a fussy eater!”

Logan took the opportunity to turn and press the elevator call button so he wouldn’t have to say anything else. Thank fuck it had parked on the floor, and the doors opened immediately. He nodded and tried to smile as Angela stepped on with her assistant, chattering to her daughter about a dog named “Pom-pom” who was pissing on the furniture.

Jenna twisted a loose curl from her ponytail around her finger the way she did when she was stressed as hell. As soon as the elevator doors shut, she and Seth exhaled loudly. Seth rubbed his face, mumbling, “This was a terrible idea.” Then he hissed to Jenna, “This was a terrible idea!”

Jenna glanced around the empty foyer, and Logan looked as well. To the right, through glass doors, a young redheaded woman at reception watched them with sharp-eyed interest.

Jenna whispered, “I was just trying to help!”

“Someone want to fill me in on what the hell’s going on?” Logan asked.

Seth winced. “I’m so sorry. Thank you for playing along.”

“Anything for my fiancé,” Logan said dryly. “Seth, is it?”

“Seth Marston.” He extended his hand. “I work with Jenna.”

Logan shook Seth’s sweaty palm. “Right. And how did we get engaged? Neat trick since we’ve never met and I’m not gay.”

“Let’s discuss this in a breakout room,” Jenna said, leading the way into the carpeted main area past the redhead, who didn’t try to hide her curiosity as they went by. Jenna chose the first of the rooms that ran down a long wall. After knocking and poking her head in, she ushered them in and closed the door.

Jenna stood by the oval table in the middle of the narrow, windowless room. “I thought you were coming to pick me up at three?”

“Got done early. I’ll bus it back. Sorry to mess up your little plan, whatever the hell it is.” Logan crossed his arms and glared at Seth. “You in the habit of telling people I’m your boyfriend?”

“No! I swear I’m not. I’m sorry. Jeez, this is messed up.” He tugged at his tie as if he couldn’t breathe.

Jenna sighed. “It was all me. Spur of the moment thing. We found out Angela was here, and she’s going to be choosing new directors in the company. Seth so deserves a director role, but he’s single, and Angela has this thing about families. Nine times out of ten she always promotes someone married with kids.”

“That’s fucking weird,” Logan said.

“It is, but it’s her company, and thanks to even more deregulation lately, she can hire, fire, and promote however she wants. Anyway, I framed that pic I took of you and Connor at Thanksgiving. You know, after we put up the tree?”

“Uh-huh.” Logan remembered Connor’s bony, rigid shoulder beneath his palm, Jenna trying to get them to smile, her cheeks rosy from a glass of wine. He’d been surprised Connor had even agreed to pose, but Jenna had that way with people.

“Well…” She grimaced. “I put the picture on Seth’s desk at the last second and told Angela you’re Seth’s fiancé. It was all me. Seth had no choice but to go along with it or it would have been awkward and bizarre.”

Logan said flatly, “Good thing we avoided that.”

“I didn’t expect you to show up!” Jenna actually looked indignant.

“So it’s my fault?”

“Let’s not argue.” Seth looked between them, holding up his hands. “It’s definitely Jenna’s fault.”

Logan tensed, his protective instinct kicking in even though Seth was on his side. It was one thing for Logan to say his sister was wrong…

But Jenna huffed out a laugh and lightly slapped Seth’s arm. “Okay, yes. It’s my fault. Obviously I didn’t have time to think through all the ramifications. I thought it could just be a little white lie to help Seth get the promotion.”

“And I went along with it,” Seth said. “I’m sorry. It was wrong to involve you and your son.”

“Stepson.” Connor’s voice echoed in Logan’s head. “You’re not my father! I hate you!” That had been after Mike had said he didn’t want custody, giving Connor a load of excuses and empty promises about how Mike would be in a better position “soon.”

Jenna frowned. “Not that that matters. He’s part of the family.”

Logan snorted. “For now. He’d never see me again if he had his way.” People might act like Logan was his dad now, but Connor sure wasn’t fooled.

“He’s thirteen.” She shook her head. “Connor doesn’t know what he wants. Don’t be butt-hurt over a teenager acting out.”

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