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The Christmas Deal

Page 19

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Connor stared at the wood floor. Logan said, “No, I’ll be good on the couch. Connor, why don’t you unpack a bit? We’ll bring the rest up before the pizza gets here.”

“Yes, should be soon,” Seth said. “The place I order from takes a while, but it’s worth it.” He gave Connor a smile and went back downstairs with Logan.

In the foyer, Logan glanced up behind him and whispered, “Hope it’s okay if I stay on the couch? He already had to move after his mom, and now this. I think it’ll help if he has his own space without me in it at all.”

“Of course. That makes perfect sense. He’s been through a lot of upheaval.”

“Thanks for getting it. And we’ll be out of your hair ASAP. I’m job searching every day, and either way we’ll be out in January.” He grimaced. “You’re sure it’s okay to be here over the holidays? You probably have plans.”

That would require having a life. “No, actually. I’m not really big on Christmas.”

“Oh.” His brow furrowed.

“What?” Seth shifted uneasily, trying to smile.

“You just seem like you’d be into all that wholesome holiday stuff.”

He probably finds me incredibly lame. Seth admitted, “I was, but…”

Understanding seemed to wash over Logan’s stubbly, handsome face. “Right. The family thing.”

“Yeah. Will you and Connor be with Jenna on Christmas? I know she loves it.” Poor Connor. His first Christmas without his mother, and he didn’t have a proper home.

“On Christmas Eve, I guess. She’ll be with her husband’s family on Christmas Day.” He waved a hand. “But we’ll do our best to stay out of your way. Thanks again for this.” Logan clapped a calloused hand on Seth’s shoulder, and Seth tried to ignore the tingle that spread through him at the strong, warm touch.

They went back to work, taking the rest of Connor’s boxes upstairs. The pizza arrived, and they all sat on the couch in the great room, the pizza sitting on the iron and wood coffee table on top of tea towels Seth spread so the grease didn’t seep through. He realized he was out of napkins, but they didn’t seem fazed by using paper towels.

He and Logan let Connor pick something on the TV, and he went for Mythbusters on one of the streaming channels, complimenting Seth on the surround sound from the home theater speakers he’d had installed. Seth sipped a Sprite and put a coaster under Connor’s cola.

He’d ordered a six-pack of soda since he realized he only had water, coffee, and tea on hand. He should make a list of what they liked and stock up, especially for Logan since Connor would still be at school before the family retreat.

Seth had to choke down his bite of pizza at the reminder of the retreat, the extra cheese almost lodging in his throat. Could he and Logan really fool everyone—and Angela in particular—into believing they were a couple? Was Connor going to behave? Would he even agree to go?

Maybe it was best if he didn’t, but Angela was so keen on families that it would probably help if he did. Assuming he didn’t blow their cover, of course. Seth wasn’t above bribing him handsomely.

They ate and watched a segment about whether drifting a car around a corner was faster than just slowing down and re-accelerating. It turned out to be a myth that drifting was faster. Seth said, “Guess no one gave Vin Diesel the memo.”

Logan chuckled, wiping his mouth with a paper towel. “To be fair, that’s the only Fast and the Furious movie he’s not in.”

Connor huffed. “He is too. He has a scene at the end.” He shook his head as if Logan was a complete idiot, and it set Seth’s teeth on edge.

But Logan only shrugged. “Yeah, okay.”

Seth supposed Logan had learned to pick his battles, but Connor’s bursts of hostility just seemed so…unnecessary. Seth knew the boy was grieving and hurt, but it was a shame he was dedicated to regarding Logan as the enemy.

After they ate, they drove in tandem to drop Connor off at school, where he slouched away without a wave goodbye, and then to Jenna’s to drop off her SUV. Seth had gotten a bit behind when he was caught at a yellow light, and he was surprised to see Logan waiting for him on the curb. Jenna’s modest house was alight with golden Christmas lights and Santa decorations beyond him.

And if Seth’s gut tightened with a spark of lust as the headlights caught Logan’s tall, muscular frame, that was no big deal. So Logan was hot and looked like a classic bad boy in his leather jacket and combat boots. Nothing wrong with Seth enjoying the view. Yes, Logan was a widower, but looking was harmless.

I’m allowed to be attracted to other men even if I’m not in love with them!

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