The Christmas Deal - Page 67

They stood by the railing discussing Seth’s ideas, Angela asking sharp, intelligent questions before she was called away by Dale. Before she left, she winked at Seth and told him HR would be in touch in the new year about his promotion, and he almost did a cartwheel right there on the snow-covered stone.

When they all trooped over to the Olympic center for skating, he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. Logan leaned in, his breath gusting warm over Seth’s cheek. “What’s got you so happy?”

Everything. The promotion. You.

“Pretty sure I got the job,” Seth whispered.

Logan grinned, and his craggy face was beautiful in a way Seth had never imagined when they’d met. It seemed impossible it had been less than two weeks ago. As Seth lined up for skates, he checked his math.

Yes, eleven days. But that was another reason why whatever this was between them was only casual. They barely knew each other, and they’d made a mutually beneficial arrangement.

A successful one! Seth had apparently snagged the job, Logan might get a job out of it himself, and he’d had a place to stay while helping Seth get over his hang-ups about having sex without being in love. Seth was surprised to not feel particularly guilty about the hookups.

That’s because they aren’t just hookups.

His traitorous mind immediately supplied images of Logan on his knees that morning with his mouth full of… Well, of Seth. He shivered with pleasure just to think of it—and what had followed. Seeing Logan touching himself had been shockingly electric. The silence between them during the act had made it feel even more secret and special.

Although now Seth could imagine what Logan would say about it.

“You liked seeing me jack myself, hmm? Bet it makes your cock hard to think about watching me. Want to watch me again? Or do you want to get down on your hands and knees so I can fuck you and come—”


For an awful moment at the head of the line, Seth could only think about penises. Then he managed, “Eleven and a half,” and the bored girl behind the counter thunked a pair of skates on top. Seth added, “And a ten and a half, and a six. Please.”

The skate pairs were tied together by their laces, and he carried them hooked over his fingers to where Logan and Connor waited on one of the benches lining a white wall.

He was very glad his parka went to mid-thigh, and he forced his mind back to the present. Skating. With countless children present. No sex going on, casual or otherwise. He jammed his socked feet inside the skates and focused on lacing them.

“You need to tie those tighter,” Logan said a minute later. He and Connor had their skates on already and were standing waiting. Logan knelt at Seth’s feet to retie the laces, which was so sweet, yet spectacularly unhelpful in regards to Seth’s partial erection.

The black skates were big and clunky and apparently made for hockey, although Seth wasn’t sure how exactly they differed from figure skates. As he stood, he clutched Logan’s arm. “Whoa. I don’t know if I can walk in these, let alone go out on the ice.”

“You’ve never skated before?” Connor asked.

“I’m from a small town in Georgia. I think there might have been a rink, but I never went there.” Too busy with countless church activities.

Connor said, “It’s just like walking, but you know. Faster or something.”

“Right. No problem.” Seth squared his shoulders and walked assuredly. There. He could do this.

His confidence evaporated the moment the thin blades touched the ice. He clung to the boards beside the entryway, where others waited behind him to get out on the rink. His knees shook, and he took a baby step forward, trying just to get out of the way.

He immediately overbalanced and landed on his knees and bare hands. He’d stupidly left his gloves with his shoes since it was chilly in the arena, but quite comfortable compared to outside.

“Whoa!” Logan was there, his hands also bare as they grabbed around Seth’s waist and lifted him to his feet. Seth leaned too far back against Logan, his skates making little slicing motions. But Logan was a rock behind him, chuckling softly as he pushed Seth to the safety of the boards and the railing around the rink.

“You’re like Bambi,” Connor laughed, his eyes crinkling.

“This was a mistake. I can’t do it.” Seth gripped the wide top of the boards. His whole bottom half felt out of control, although at least his inappropriate erection had vanished.

Other people whizzed by, everyone circling the rink counter-clockwise. On the loudspeaker, someone sang about rocking around the Christmas tree. “You guys go ahead. I’ll wait on the bench. Just help me get there.”

Logan laughed too, taking Seth’s hand after prying it loose from the boards. “Come on. One lap around.”

Tags: Keira Andrews Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024