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Ends of the Earth

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Every day, he knew in his heart that his little girl had been the only choice. Maggie was all he needed.

She skipped all the way from the parking lot to the trailhead, where about ten people gathered. Jason made small talk with a few other campers as they waited for the guide.

Maggie’s eyes lit up as she tugged on his arm. “Look, Dad. A real park ranger.”

Jason glanced over at the man walking toward them in a green uniform. His short-sleeved shirt under a darker green vest stretched over broad shoulders, with a gold badge on his chest and leather belt snug around lean hips, green uniform pants hugging long legs. Probably in his late thirties or so, he was about Jason’s height—six feet—but likely had an extra twenty pounds of muscle compared to Jason’s lanky frame.

“‘Dad’? My goodness.” An older woman blinked at Jason and Maggie, an incredulous smile tugging at her lips. “I thought this must be your kid sister.”

Maggie ignored the woman with a clenched jaw, and Jason smiled thinly. “No. Maggie’s my daughter.” Given that his baby face made him look even younger than he was, they were used to this reaction, but familiarity didn’t make it any less damn annoying. He turned away from the woman and watched the ranger near.

The ranger adjusted his tan hat over his short, thick, dark hair. The hat was almost like a Stetson but more round, with a brown leather band around it stamped with USNPS, which Jason assumed stood for U.S. National Parks Service.

The man cleared his throat and spoke in a low baritone. “Hi, everyone. I’m Ben Hettler, and I’ll be your guide today. Welcome to Glacier National Park.” He told them a bit about the history of the area as they headed out onto the trail.

“Does anyone know which variety this is?” He stopped by a gnarled tree with pine needles.

Maggie’s hand shot into the air. When Ben motioned to her, she said, “Whitebark pine.”

His cheeks creased. “The young lady knows her stuff. What kind of bird really likes to eat this tree’s seeds?”

“Clark’s Nutcracker,” Maggie answered without hesitation.

Ben rose his eyebrows and led them farther down the trail. “I see I’m going to have to step up my game here. What’s your name, kiddo?”

The other campers on the hike didn’t seem to mind that Maggie had most of the answers and even more questions, so Jason didn’t try to hold her back. Every so often, Ben would stop and point out certain trees, bushes, or rock formations. He described the various indigenous animals, and gave them the same warning they’d heard everywhere about the potential danger of grizzly bears. Jason certainly didn’t need convincing.

Maggie hiked alongside a game Ben, hanging on his every word. She was in her element, and Jason buzzed with pride. Montana was her dream come true, and it was worth every hour of overtime at the factory to see his baby this happy.

Behind Maggie and Ben as they followed the twisting trail, Jason’s gaze wandered. He noticed Ben was in great shape. The green ranger uniform clung to his butt and powerful thighs, and his cardio fitness was probably excellent with all the hiking and outdoors work he did.

Sometimes Jason found himself admiring other men’s muscles, but there was never time to bulk up himself. He wished his job on the assembly line involved more heavy lifting instead of standing there inspecting cookies. Although his co-worker Ryan was in amazing shape. Jason watched him sometimes, wondering just how much time Ryan spent getting sweaty at the gym.

The day grew warmer with each passing minute, and Jason peeled off his sweatshirt and wrapped it around his waist, glad he’d worn a tee underneath. He gave his bare arms a critical glance before eyeing Ben’s lean, sculpted muscles.

He refocused on what Ben was saying about wolverines being close to reaching endangered status, and Maggie piped up with some information she’d learned doing a book report. Ben surely knew everything she was saying, but he listened avidly as Maggie chattered away, and Jason gave him a grateful smile. Some people were impatient with Maggie’s tendency to talk a lot—loudly and rapidly—about things that excited her.

After the tour ended back near the parking lot, Maggie continued to pepper Ben with questions until Jason intervened to let the guy off the hook. “Mags, I’m sure Mr. Hettler has other work to do.”

Her shoulders slumped. “Oh. I’m sorry.”

Ben smiled down at her. “Don’t be. I have some time, so fire away.”

“Are you sure?” Jason asked. “We don’t want to keep you.”

“Positive. Most of the people on my nature walks nod and smile with glazed expressions. It’s a pleasure to talk to someone as passionate as your sister.” Ben smiled again, this time at Jason. His white teeth were dazzling next to his tanned skin, and Jason found himself grinning back.

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