Ends of the Earth - Page 43

“Where were you, Dad?”

Guilt slashed with razor claws. He should have been the one to find her. Instead he’d been wandering dazed and useless. “I…”

Ben said, “We split up to look for you. Could cover more ground.”

Jason found enough control to add, “Ben told me how brave you were. You jumped into the river?”

She nodded solemnly. “I pretended you were there with me, like at Declan’s party, remember?”

Jason swallowed hard, eyes burning. “Of course. We had so much fun jumping together. Didn’t even seem high after the first time.” He’d actually been nervous every time they’d climbed the stairs of the pool tower, but Maggie had been fearless after the first plunge, and he hadn’t wanted to hold her back.

“I don’t think I want to jump into the river again though. It was really, really cold and I had to stay in too long.” She coughed, and Jason helped her sip water.

“You must have been really, really scared. I’m very proud of you.” Don’t cry. Jason exhaled slowly. “Do you want to tell us more about it?”

Her eyes filled. “I was super scared. But I don’t want to talk about it anymore. You already know the important parts.”

“Okay,” Jason soothed. “We don’t have to talk right now.”

“Not ever. It doesn’t matter anymore. I want to talk about good things.” She pointed beyond them. “Like what’s in that bag Ben brought?”

Jason realized there was a plastic bag on the chair in the corner as Ben fetched it. His mind swirled, acid in his belly. Okay, he wouldn’t push Maggie to talk about it today. She’d been through more than enough without him forcing the issue. Surely she needed some time to process.

Ben said, “Just a little something I saw downstairs in the gift shop that made me think of you.” He pulled out a thick book called Birds of Montana and How to Spot Them.

Eyes alight, Maggie clapped weakly. “Oh, thank you!” She thumbed through the pages. “And it’s not for kids. It’s a real grown-up book!”

“You already know way too much to go for the kiddie books. Right, Jason?”

Jason had to blink away tears rapidly as he nodded. Ben’s thoughtful gift and Maggie’s sheer delight even after everything she’d been through had his chest tightening with almost unbearable tenderness.

Sitting there watching his daughter read until her eyes grew heavy and she slept, Jason felt as though his nerves were exposed, his whole body, mind, and soul flayed open.

“Time for Dad to rest too.” Smiling kindly, Dr. Sharma stood in the doorway. “Let me give you a quick exam to make sure everything’s ship-shape, and then you can go get some sleep.”

Ben, who’d pulled up the other guest chair, chimed in. “I spoke to the FBI agent in charge, and they have a room for you in the hotel right next door. You can be back here in five minutes. I know you’re going to say you’re not leaving her for a second, but you need some sleep.”

Jason snapped his jaw shut, since that was precisely what he’d been about to say. “I’m fine. I need to be here in case she wakes up.”

Dr. Sharma tucked a stray piece of dark hair behind her ear. “I understand, but trust me. She’s going to be out for hours.” She checked her watch. “Very likely all night at this point.”

The light through the window waned, and Jason couldn’t deny he was exhausted, but no. There was no way. “I can catch some sleep right here.”

The doctor and Ben shared a glance. Dr. Sharma said, “How about you go take a shower and sleep for a couple hours. I promise we’ll text you the moment she wakes up. Which I don’t think will be until the morning, as I said.” She grimaced. “To be frank, you stink. Both of you.”

Jason found himself laughing, and God, it was surreal. Maggie was alive, and they were back in civilization. Ben was by his side, and Jason was laughing. He felt like he was outside his body, observing. He caressed Maggie’s hair, only a whisper of a touch to prove she was really there, the golden strands silky between his fingertips.

“Jason, it’s going to be a big day tomorrow.” Dr. Sharma’s face pinched in concern. “Maggie is going to have a lot to process. You’re both in shock. You need your strength to support her. Get at least a few hours of quality sleep. I promise Maggie will be okay.”

He scratched at his neck, digging in his nails. “I just… I don’t want to let her out of my sight.”

“Of course you don’t,” Ben said, squeezing Jason’s shoulder, sending sparks of warmth down his arm. Jason leaned closer as Ben asked, “Can Jason have a cot here next to Maggie?”

She sighed. “Okay. Jason, I completely understand your refusal to leave Maggie, but please get some real rest. And I’m examining you—no arguments. I know you insist you’re not hurt, so it won’t take long at all.” She nodded toward the adjoining bathroom. “Afterward, there’s a shower you can use since this is a private room. It’s better for Maggie to see you clean and looking the way you normally would. Normalcy is comforting after trauma like this.”

Tags: Keira Andrews Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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