Ends of the Earth - Page 47

“Ben, there you are. I’ve been calling.” The man loomed in the doorway, his ranger hat in his hands and dark green uniform hugging a fit body. “I’m Brad Cusack. You must be Jason and Maggie. We’re all relieved to have you back safe.”

Ben had pushed to his feet, and he wiped doughnut powder on his jeans. “Brad. Sorry, I turned my ringer off.”

Brad strode into the room and opened his arms, pulling Ben into a hug. “We were so worried. You’re sure you’re okay?”

Ben hugged him back awkwardly, stiff and uncomfortable, and Jason realized this Brad person was Ben’s cheating ex. The man who’d been stupid enough to let him go. Anger and a murky swirl of jealousy rolled through him.

Ben extricated himself from the hug and turned to Maggie and Jason. “This is my… Uh, Brad. My supervisor.”

Maggie’s eyes narrowed. “Are you married to Tyson Lockwood?”

Brad smiled widely, white, even teeth flashing. “I am indeed, darlin’. Do you want an autograph? I can get one lickety-split.”

Maggie gave him a level stare. “No thanks.”

Brad’s smile faltered. “Okay then. Well, how are you feeling?”

“I wish people would stop asking that.” She huffed. “I’m fine!”

Jason jumped in. “Maggie, Mr. Cusack was only being polite. Which you need to be.” He stood and extended his hand. “Good to meet you.”

Brad shook his hand firmly with a surprisingly damp palm. “I’m sorry to barge in. I wanted to make sure Ben was all right.”

“Of course.” Jason gritted out a smile, ridiculous jealousy spiraling as mental images of Ben and Brad together spun through his mind. He’d never hated someone on sight, but Brad Cusack was coming close.

The three of them stood awkwardly while Maggie glowered from the bed, the strange tension palpable.

Ben cleared his throat. “We were just… Did you need an official statement or something?”

“Yes, yes.” Brad seemed relieved to discuss business. “You can imagine the follow-up to this incident will be intensive. I’ll need to ask you some questions.”

An orderly appeared with a breakfast tray, and Brad moved to stand beside Ben as Maggie grumbled about her eggs being scrambled and not over easy. Jason could sense a full-blown tantrum coming on, and he went the route of soothing her and promising they’d get perfect eggs as soon as she left the hospital.

“When? I’m better now.”

“We’ll see what Dr. Sharma says, but she thinks you should spend two nights just to make sure everything’s okay.” He braced for impact.

Sure enough, Maggie’s face went red and she wailed, “I have to stay again tonight?” Then she had a coughing fit, congestion still clogging her lungs, and Jason helped her sip water.

“It’s okay. Breathe. I promise we can go home soon.”

Sniffing, she nodded, her rage disappearing as quickly as it’d appeared. She mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

Ben poked through the paper bag and pulled out a powdered doughnut hole. “Here. Saved the last jelly for you.”

She beamed and stuffed it in her mouth, getting powdered sugar all over. Jason and Ben shared a laugh, and Ben handed Jason a napkin, Maggie giggling and squirming as Jason wiped her face.

“Well. I should…”

Jason realized Brad was still there. “Oh, sorry. We’re keeping you from your work.”

Brad’s smile was decidedly uncomfortable. “No apologies necessary. We’ll leave you two in peace. Ben, I need to get a few details for the department report, like I said. I’ll just make a recording on my phone and transcribe it later.”

Ben nodded. “Of course.” He tickled Maggie’s feet through the blanket. “Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone.”

With a little shriek, she agreed, and Ben gave Jason a soft smile. Brad watched them with a furrowed brow as Agent Reardon strode into the room, flanked by two male agents.

“All right, everyone who isn’t Jason and Maggie Kellerman, there’s the door. This is going to take some time, and then it’s your turn, Mr. Hettler.”

Jason sat up straighter in his chair and took Maggie’s hand. After sharing a glance with her, he nodded.

“We’re ready.”

Following Brad into an alcove down the hall, Ben caught a familiar whiff of spicy cologne. Even after everything, it was strangely comforting, and he breathed a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t have to deal with a stranger right now.

Brad turned, sporting a sly, crooked smile. “You fucking that kid?”

Relief evaporated into a bolt of fury. “Excuse me? No, I’m not.”

He was still smiling. “But you want to.”

Ben couldn’t deny it, and he pressed his lips together, nostrils flaring.

“Hey, I’m not trying to be an asshole.” Brad held up his hands defensively.

“It just comes naturally.”

“Okay. I deserve that.”

“Damn right you do!” Ben paced, two strides one way and then the other. “You don’t get to comment on my life after you cheated and dumped me.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“What? You’re not going to try and make it my fault?”

“No.” Brad’s mouth turned down, and he shook his head. “None of it was your fault. And it wasn’t mine either.” He held up a hand and added, “Except the cheating. That was a hundred percent my fault.”

Tags: Keira Andrews Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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