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Ravensdale's Defiant Captive

Page 44

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‘Se?or Ravensdale is the one who is ultimately responsible for you,’ Sophia said. ‘I’m here as a guide but you don’t need me. In many ways you’re more competent than me. Your cooking is restaurant standard. I’m the one who should be taking lessons off you.’

‘Yeah, well, it’s easy to cook nice things when you have access to top quality ingredients,’ Holly said.

Sophia smiled. ‘Would you mind taking Se?or Ravensdale’s breakfast to him? He’s in the morning room upstairs.’


‘Ah, that’s Maria’s car now.’ Sofia gave her one last smile and left.

Holly waited for the coffee to percolate before she put it on the tray to take upstairs. The morning room was on the second level of the villa, which wasn’t convenient to the kitchen in terms of serving breakfast, but it had a lovely easterly aspect overlooking the gardens and the lake. She had been in a couple of times to dust and vacuum. It was decorated in soft yellows and cream with a touch of blue, giving it a fresh energetic look perfect for the start of the day.

When Holly shouldered open the door, a quake of dread moved through her. The French doors leading to the balcony were wide open. Julius was sitting in a patch of sunlight at the wrought-iron table with some papers set in front of him. The slight breeze was ruffling the pages, and she watched as one of his hands reached out to anchor them.

He must have sensed her presence, or maybe he heard the slight rattle of the cup in the saucer on the tray she was carrying, for he looked up. ‘Good morning.’

Holly swallowed a bird’s nest of panic. Fear crawled over her scalp. Her blood chilled, freezing in her veins until she was certain her heart would stop. Her feet were nailed to the floor. She couldn’t move. She was frozen.

Julius frowned. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing.’ Holly took a step forward but couldn’t go any farther. ‘Um, would you come and get this? I’ve left something on the hob downstairs.’

‘Why don’t you come back and join me?’ he said as he took the tray from her and placed it on the table on the balcony.

‘No thanks.’

‘Got out of the wrong side of the bed, did we?’

‘Wasn’t in it long enough,’ she said with a little scowl.

He surveyed her features for a beat or two. ‘Come on and join me once you’ve turned off the hob. It’s a lovely morning. There’s enough food and coffee here for both of us. Just get another cup and saucer.’

‘I said no.’

Julius shrugged as if he didn’t care either way. ‘Suit yourself.’

‘Could you bring the tray back down when you’re done?’ Holly said as she got to the door.

He turned around to look at her. ‘Isn’t that your job?’

She held his penetrating look. ‘Is that why you’ve sent Sophia away? What is it about having someone wait on you that gives you such a thrill? Is it the power? The authority? The ego trip?’

A frown tugged at his brow. ‘Doesn’t the fact I asked you to join me for breakfast demonstrate I’m not on any power trip?’

She crossed her arms and sent him a hard glare. ‘So what was last night all about, then?’

He let out a rough-sounding breath. ‘Last night was... I was wrong to let things get to that point,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry.’

Holly wasn’t ready to be mollified. She was still feeling annoyed he’d been able to prove his point so easily. He had won that round. She had responded to him like a sex-starved fool. Which was basically what she was, but still...

He came to where she was standing. He didn’t touch her but was close enough for her to feel the tempting warmth of his body. His dark-blue eyes held hers in a gentle lock that made her wonder if he was seeing much more than she wanted him to see. She tried to keep her expression blank but she wasn’t quite able to stop her tongue from quickly moistening her lips. She watched as his gaze dipped to follow the movement before coming back to reconnect with hers.

‘This thing we have...’ he began.

‘What thing?’

‘I’ve never met someone who’s got my attention quite the way you have,’ he said.

‘Well, they wouldn’t have a chance with you locked away in your mansion with no social life to speak of, now, would they?’

He gave her a wry hint of a smile. ‘I get out when I need to.’

‘When was the last time you—’ Holly put her fingers up in air-quotation-marks ‘—got out?’

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