L A Woman - Page 79

One evening, Hondo, Jett and I were watching E!, and they interviewed Bob-O and Davester, talking about the movie, but focusing their questions more on what it’s like to make it big in Hollywood.

I started squirming ten seconds into the interview, and almost corkscrewed through the ceiling when Bob-O said, “It hasn’t gone to our heads. We still like to hang out with the little people, you know, the less-talented actors who are everywhere in LA. And we still all compete for roles, regardless of our talent. Take this movie for instance. There were plenty of actors that auditioned, but our reads were head and shoulders above everyone. So we were picked. Hard work helps, but its talent that makes the difference.”

After that show I went home and drank eight beers, ate a chili cheeseburger and a whole bag of Julio’s. I was so full and miserable I just lay on the couch and watched the Comedy Channel to get my mind off acting.

I must have dozed off because the phone rang and woke me. I saw it was Emma calling.

“Hey Emma,” I said.

“Oh Ronny, I have some fantastic news!”

/> Wonderful. “Please tell me, I’m dying to know.”

“Well, I was hoping you might like to come over and we could talk about it tonight and…over breakfast.”

“Why Emma Storm, you little vixen. Sure, I’d love to come over.”

Her voice was soft, “I can’t wait to see you.”


She met me at the door wearing loose men’s boxer shorts and an oversized t-shirt with Kind of a Big Deal on the front. I said, “Nice casual look, but a bit overdressed compared to last time I was here.”

She took my hand and led me to the couch with its killer view of the night sea and the moonlit waves breaking like liquid silver on the Malibu sand.

Emma wiggled around and put her feet under her. She said, “I’ve been offered another directing job.”

“Hey Emma, that’s great.”

“It’s another big commercial.”

“I’m proud of you,” I said.

“And I want you to be in it.”

“Thanks. Count me in.”

Emma grinned and pushed me back on the couch. I said, “So, this is what a couch audition-“

She kissed me and her mouth tasted of ice, and vodka, and oranges, and she felt firm and warm as our bodies came together…

Emma played with my hair as we lay on the couch and cooled down. I said, “Tell me about the commercial.”

“Well,” she said, “It will go international, so lots of exposure for you.”


“And you will be the co-lead.”

“Co-lead? Who else is in it?”

“Your Agent.”

I sat up, “Archie?”

Emma sat up and her eyes were bright with excitement. “Yes, he plays the older man who gives you advice for your problem, and tells you about the product. It’s a before-after story and you thank him and tell him how great it works in the after part.”

She hugged my arm and her trophy boobs cuddling my bicep almost made me lose my train of thought. She continued, “I knew, I just knew that you’d be fantastic in the part, the perfect one!”

Tags: Billy Kring Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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