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1899- Journey to Mars

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The next day Dakota pedaled the bicycle to recharge Guthrie while Pat sat nearby and gingerly held an odd-looking fruit in one hand. Pat said, “They don’t grow these things in New Mexico.”

Dakota said, “They’re good, Uncle Pat. Try it.”

Pat sniffed it, but couldn’t detect a smell. “What’s it called?”

“Starfruit. Bixie told me that she grabbed these when they were sailing through the jungle. I ate one. Its sweet.”

Pat cut a off part and looked at it from the end. The fruit resembled a soft, four-pointed green star. He bit off one point, chewed, then smiled. “Good stuff, this.”

“I told you,” Dakota said, and laughed.

Guthrie said, “You may stop pedaling, Dakota, I am fully charged. Thank you.” Guthrie detached the thin cables from his torso and stood. “I will check for any pursuit now. Since the Argent is slowing as it approaches Mars, our adversaries may be closing the distance.”

Dakota said, “They could never catch us if we went all out though, would they, Guthrie?”

“No, they could not. The Argent, at full speed, is the fastest Earth vessel in existence.”

Pat said, “Now why did you go and say it that way? You inferred by that, that there are vessels from out here in the ether that could be as fast or faster. Makes me shiver a bit, thinking that.”

“It is possible, Pat. The universe is vast, and man has yet to learn all there is about it, including other life forms and their particular means of travel. I have not seen anything, but I cannot rule the possibility out, either. I did not mean to unnerve you.”

“I’m not unnerved. But it would be a comfort to know that, if we speed away full chisel during a scrape, the Argent could leave the others like an antelope racing a turtle.”

Guthrie’s head jiggled at Pat’s comparison. “I do not think antelope race turtles, Pat. They run to evade capture by wolves and mountain lions, and when young, just to run, but I searched my data banks and can find no evidence they race turtles, which are very slow.”

Pat took another bite of starfruit and stood, “Guthrie, sometimes having a conversation with you makes me want to bang my head against a fence post. I’m going to see if I can find that Highlander’s stash of skull thump.”

He left, and Guthrie said to Dakota, “I am not sure how, but it seems I have irritated Mr. Garrett.”

“Nah, he’s a little short with everybody, even me, and he likes me a lot. Besides, I think he used leaving as an excuse to get a drink of whiskey. He does that every once in a while.”

[ 55 ]

Pat found Ian in his quarters. His claymore lay sheathed on the bed and a bottle of scotch rested on the small table in front of him as Ian sipped out of a shot glass. “Greetings, Patrick. Would ye care for a wee bit of medicine?”

“I would indeed.” Ian found another glass and poured one for Pat. They raised their glasses to one another in a silent toast and took a drink. Pat said, “My, but that is good. Sort of like wood-smoke and honey all mixed together.”

“An apt description.”

Pat sipped again, “I was hoping John would be with you.”

“He’s comin’ in a wee bit. Had to go to the loo.”

“The what?”

“To relieve himself.”


“What’s on yer mind, Patrick?”

John walked in the room at that moment and said, “You have another glass?”

Ian grabbed another glass from a small drawer and filled it, then topped off his and Pat’s glasses. As all three raised their glasses in a toast, Ian said, “Slainte.” They drank and placed their glasses on the table. Ian said, “Patrick has something he wishes to discuss with us.”

John Carter sat on the bed, as the only two chairs were taken. “We’re listening.”

“That mess with Fu Manchu and his monsters, them taking us captives,” Pat fumbled for the right words, “I...I’m not about to let that happen again. If it gets down to it, I want your word that if I get incapacitated you will put me down and not let me be taken. I thought about asking Billy, but I know he wouldn’t do it, plus his focus at the last would be his wife and son.”

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