Tonton (A Hunter Kincaid Novel) - Page 62

“Most of us have families, and we live paycheck to paycheck. To be a government attorney and be fired, it not only takes this job, but the damage to our reputations would make us unemployable, even in the private sector. I’m not kidding. That’s how much pressure is coming down.”

Andre said, “Were people in the Haitian Government involved? Does President Martelly know of this? Did he authorized it and tell his people that they should use their connections to our government to push this?”

Grant said, “No comment.”

Hunter said, “Villard’s dirty, so we might get another chance at him.”

“Villard’s on our radar, that’s for sure,” Andre said.

Grant said, “I’d like another shot at him, too. Make no mistake, though, Woodson is a very good attorney, so we have to be solid.”

As they rose to leave, Hunter said to Grant, “You’re a pretty good actor. You had me believing you were on their side.”

Grant said, “You’re a good actor yourself. I thought you were about ready to shoot me when you said some of those things.”

“Oh, I wasn’t acting.”

John said to Grant, “Impulsive, Agent Kincaid is impulsive.”

Hunter said to Grant, “I’m okay with you now, so we’re good, right?”

Grant felt off-balance when she looked directly at him, something about what he saw in her eyes, like what he thought a target would see as she prepared to shoot it. He said, “Yes, we’re good.”

Outside the building, John said to Hunter, “You coming over to Randall’s tonight?”

Randall said, “We’re having lobster. A friend of mine went diving in the keys yesterday and dropped off six lobsters in the car, already iced down. We get two apiece, if you’re interested.”

Hunter said, “In new Common Core math, I would get four and you two would get one each. That’s the fair way to do it.”

John said, “Oh no, none of that stuff.”

Andre said, “Don’t fight. I’ll give one to each of you and keep the rest so you don’t beat each other to a pulp.”

Randall said, “He has a point. Will three be enough to feed you and the family?”

Andre grinned, “I believe it will, and for a good cause.”

“Cause?” Hunter said.

“World Peace.” Andre said.

Jean Claude watched them from three blocks away as they got in their vehicles and left. He made a call and said, “I’m following them,” then hung up his phone and pulled out into traffic, staying back to maintain the three-block distance. He opened the glove box and saw the Beretta in place, then closed it. He was ready, and eager. There might be some payback tonight.

As Andre drove, Hunter said, “I wonder how Woodson rounded up all those Haitians to testify. When they left the ship, everyone scattered like quail.”

Andre said, “I remember, we caught less than a dozen, and most of those were still in the water.”

“Do you have Grant’s number?”

“I do.”

“Would you ask him if he knows? It’s gnawing at me.”

Andre called on the car phone, putting it on speaker so they both could talk. Grant answered, “Kenneth Grant.”

“Mr. Grant, it’s Andre Benton and Hunter Kincaid.”

“What can I do for you?”

Tags: Billy Kring Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025