Mission For Love (Love By Design 6) - Page 39

“Doesn’t matter now, I guess. How’d you find out?”

“Radio call came in from Gardiner. I figured since we have a big game with them coming up it was probably a prank.”

I heard David sigh and this was it, our big moment.

“Well, then I’d like for you to meet Prince Harry and his official envoy.”

“No, shit Davy Boy.” Evan laughed and shined the light into the back illuminating the furry guy on my lap. I hit the button to put the window down and Evan reached in to pet him. “He’s cuter then some others that’s for sure, but he stinks, no offence miss.”

I smirked. “None taken.”

“I’m trying to keep my kids out of trouble. We’re bringing him back. Maybe you could put in a good word with Gardiner PD for me?” David asked.

“Sure. Let me know once he’s secured and I’ll have them swing by to confirm he’s back. That way things will calm down and those kids can play their game.”

“Thank you so much, officer.” I said.

Evan tipped his hat at me. “No worries, miss.” He then got back in his car taking off.

David rumbled. “I’m going to make those kids run sprints tomorrow before and after the game.”

“Seems excessive and also calling the kettle black don’t you think?”

“What I think is that those kids interrupted me from getting your boots around my hips.” Yeah, Davy Boy as Evan called him was definitely in a mood. It could have been the tight pants cutting off his circulation, but I kept that tidbit to myself.

I leaned up from the back seat careful to not dislodge my goat friend and tug his wrist.

“Not even ten o’clock, the night is young.” I quipped.

“Let’s get this guy back.”

The drive took longer with the fog on the mountain and David drove carefully. Harry the goat didn’t seem to mind and rested his head in my lap for most of the drive.

David groaned from the front of the truck.

“You okay? Pants or goat?” I seemed to be asking him that a lot.

“Peachy and neither.” He grumbled.

“Harry’s a good traveler.”

“He better be. We’re almost there and I’m afraid I’m getting jealous of a hooved creature.” His admission made me laugh.

David pulled into the school parking lot and drove to the back where the goat was kept in a barn on school grounds. The Gardiner Rams were serious with their school spirit and the green and gold painted barn with a fighting ram on it was no exception.

“Thank god we don’t have a mascot like a cougar or a bear.”

“Please, let’s not give the school board anymore ideas.”

Laughing we pulled up to the barn and got out with Harry. We snuck inside noticing the broken lock on the door where the football team must have broken in. We secured him in the cage and David rigged up a lock for his door so he couldn’t get out once we left.

“You seem pretty good at this.” I leaned back against the wall watching my Elvis impersonat

or secure Harry.

“Let’s just say I might have familiarity with this.” He grunted standing up brushing off remnants of hay from his pants.

“You steal a lot of goats?” I waited for him to fess up.

Tags: M.C. Cerny Love By Design Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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