Love Actually (Love By Design 5) - Page 13

“Bad friend.” Gemma echoed pointing at me and walking backwards behind Tommy.

I still loved the two of them, though. I’d never understand them, but I’d love them.

As promised, I went to the bar and ordered us a round of drinks. Gemma got a Sex on the Beach, Tommy got a craft beer called Witch’s Tit, and I went with a Dark and Stormy. It was good to have a buzz going, music playing, and a bar full of people watching to do.

Gemma found a passably decent looking guy to dance with while Tommy hung out with me at a high top table in the corner.

“That girl is trouble.” Tommy reference Gemma watching her dance in a big brotherly way as he sipped his beer.

“So Francesca?” I asked diving right in.

“Come on, Lou.”

It was easy to tell when my brother didn’t want to talk about something. I’d have to wait him out until he ready, but something was definitely going on.

“Hey, no judgement.” I held up hands. “I’m curious that’s all.”

“I like her, but it’s complicated.”

“More complicated than that out there?” My eyes drifted to Gemma who was enthusiastically rubbing her body against not one but two guys on the dance floor. The good thing was having Tommy as our designated driver tonight, though I couldn’t recall Gemma ever going home with a guy which in some ways was a huge relief.

“It might surprise you to know this, but Gemma and I aren’t like that.” Tommy said. I didn’t need the clarification, but I did enjoy teasing them.

“Okay.” I drawled out. The tension between them vacillated between high and low the way an out of control fire burned.

Tommy sipped his beer again, eyes on the dancefloor. “Pretty sure that ship, if it had been in harbor sailed a long time ago.”

I shrugged. “Alright. I believe you.”

“Liar.” Tommy chuffed.

I poked his arm, my finger barely penetrating his hard bicep. Tonight he wore a black fitted Henley, and jeans which covered the tattoos that covered him from his neck to his knees. “I’m still leaving the door open on the Francesca conversation.”

“You know her boyfriend of like eight years dumped her once he made partner.” He peeled the label on his beer giving his deft fingers something to do. I imagined Tommy, who was a great defender of women in general had some dark thoughts on this ex.

“Damn. Ice cold.”

“Yeah. Then he found a girl barely out of college, knocked her up real quick after telling Frankie they had all the time in the world for kids.”

“What the hell is it with shit bag men.” I muttered.

“I’m sorry, dick in the house.” Tommy chugged his beer finishing it and I scaled back my anger.

“Not you Tommy. I just meant in general. Is everyone a cheating ho-bag these days?”

“No, I just think it happens. It’s like the law of attraction or something and then it’s all you hear about for a while. Think about how many people we know hooking up or getting married. That’s good news.” Tommy had a point. Think about a car and that’s the only car that seems to pop up in your face. Probably another reason for me to block out my ex. She was the last thing I needed to pop up.

“True. Taylor and Hunter. I bet his cousin is going to date, marry, or kill Kristen someday.” If we should feel sorry for anyone, it should have been Damien Hart for chasing after Kristen all these years with little to no success.

“Right. Our favorite lumberjack too. Hey, isn’t that the girl who came in looking like a hot mess and left looking like a pinup girl the other day?” Tommy points his beer bottle across the bar and I see my dream girl smiling, laughing, and dancing in the arms of my old prom date, Noah Pettigrew.

“Chrissake.” I growl ducking my head down. What are the chances, the statistical odds of my fantasy girl hooking up with my best friend? Clearly, I pissed off the hair karma gods at some point.

“I’ll go grab the second round.” Tommy got up and left me to my misery. Not enough alcohol to tackle this problem. The last thing I wanted to do was sit here and watch. I certainly wasn’t going over to say hello, but damn it, my brother was.

If I could have hidden under the table, I would have considered it. Noah turned in my direction and gave a half wave. I forced myself to return the gesture and luckily they didn’t come over.


Tags: M.C. Cerny Love By Design Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025