Love Actually (Love By Design 5) - Page 17

“Always the fun killer, Hunter.”

“Just doing my job, Demon.” Hunter smiled at his cousin’s lame attempt to get Taylor drunk and we ordered another round of drinks. The bar was full and live music played on the small stage with a local band that was doing a remix of their own music and cover songs. It was fun and laid back which wasn’t something I’d been able to experience of late.

“How’s the bakery coming along?” Taylor asked and I launched into the cleaning process I started and my slated opening day. I had a health inspection to get through and some painting to spruce up the space.

Hunter offered some suggestions with a promise to come over and check the place out in case I wanted to move anything around or build some custom shelves in the kitchen for my supplies. It was a generous offer I appreciated. Damien offered to take a look at the plumbing in a non-pervy way which I also appreciated.

The evening was great until a small group came in sitting practically across from us. I knew all of them. Some more intimately than others and holy hell my face felt like it was on fire. I’d kissed one of them. Had my pants off for another. And two of them were related.

“Oh my god, it’s my favorite colorist!” Kristen clapped excitedly and got out of the booth to hug Louisa. Her brother was with her, and their assistant, along with Noah who brought up the rear. Seemed like this group was a package deal.

“What are the odds?” Her brother snickered looking back and forth between the two of us as everyone hugged and made small talk. He was making things purposefully awkward. Gemma winked at me and Noah’s eyes held a longing I hated having put there.

“I need the ladies room.” I grabbed my clutch and slipped down the hall trying to escape. I’d run from the city trying to escape my past, but the only place left to run was down a dark hallway filled with old pictures and deer antlers depicting history of the last fifty years of life in this town. Somehow I managed to escape two million people successfully. Except that was the thing about small towns. You literally had nowhere to go.



I watched Carmen flee down the bar hallway almost knocking into the redheaded waitress. She looked gorgeous with her hair down and flipped into a wavy style. The pretty dress she wore with strappy Mary Jane heels accentuated her figure but the panic on her face coloring her cheeks worried me. As if I was somehow the cause of it, but that wasn’t possible, was it?

“Shit.” Both Noah and I looked at each other meaningfully before looking at Tommy, Gemma, and the rest of the group.

“Huh. Who knew.” Damien Hart muttered and then sat down shoving his mouth full of nachos and beers like he’d suddenly made some revelation the rest of us were just coming to grips with.

I couldn’t stay.

I couldn’t do this.

I leaned into my best friend and said, “Noah, walk me out?”

“Sure thing. I have to get in early before my night shift so I can’t really stay.” I made my goodbyes and nodded at Tommy who I’d see tomorrow along with Gemma anyway.

“Hey, I’ll text you tomorrow.” Taylor pulled me in for a hug and I knew she’d ask me about my weird behavior. Not much got past her but for now I was taking a time out.

Noah of course, perceptive as always followed me outside and reached for my hand to hold. We walked that way for a block before getting to his car.

“I could walk the long way home.”

“Or I could drive you and you can tell me what’s up.” He clicked the remote locks and opened the door for me. I got in and waited for him to come around the car.

“I like Carmen.” I blurted out saving us time and more awkward silences.

“I figured that.” He said pulling his car out on to the street.

“Do you wanna fight over her?” I looked over at Noah who glanced at me with a smirking smile before resuming his concentration on the road. I was half kidding.

“As much as it might make me sound like a typical Neanderthal with a penchant for Jell-O wrestling?” He chuffed. “Not so much. I just want you to be happy. I want you to go for it.”

I loved that Noah had this heart of gold even if he tried hiding it behind his numerous nameless dates. He didn’t show this side of himself with just anyone even though he’d always been a perfect gentleman.

“Do you think I should have chased her down the hallway and pinned her against the wall in the ladies bathroom?”

I swore Noah’s nose flared when I said that out loud. He was probably picturing some sordid situation the same way I was and it was cute. Noah was definitely a guy-guy with fantasies we’d never hashed out.

“Jesus, Lou. You would have done that?” He turned his head at me quick and then back to the road. I observed him gripping the steering wheel hard.

I barked out a laugh. “If only to get the taste of you out of her mouth.”

Tags: M.C. Cerny Love By Design Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025