Love Actually (Love By Design 5) - Page 23

Our lips met halfway for a kiss. Hers were pillow soft and I pressed against them until she opened her mouth. Her teeth grazed my lips and bit down slowly, but not hard. The impending sting was enough anticipation for me to lick inside her mouth tasting her sweet minty tongue. She licked me back and our mouths fused in a gentle tangle that incited heat and desire for more.

I needed my skin against her as much as she needed me. Silently we shed clothing on the floor beside a perfectly good bed. Maybe someday, maybe on our honeymoon we could actually do this on a mattress. It would be a change from kitchen counters, on fields under comets, and couches in my brother’s house as payback. The last one technically being her idea. I was still skeeved out and slightly scarred from that experiences.

“I love being with you.” Carmen sighed.

“I love being with you.” I repeated back the sentiment tender and true. Our wedding day would be perfect and the only people invited would be our dearest friends and family. I wished I could have met Carmen’s grandma Gigi. I knew she would have been happy for my girl and we needed more of that as we committed ourselves to one another in this crazy world.

“Take your pants off.” Carmen tugged at the elastic of my pajama bottoms. I wiggled mine off and then pulled hers off. I leaned into her letting our hips cradle and fit to each other. Skin against skin. Heat against heat and damp lips aching to grind against one another. I slid my knee between hers and let her ride the friction until her panting grew louder and my kisses could no longer contain the sound.

Carmen’s hand slid between us and her fingers probed at my core. Sliding up and down, she eased two fingers inside me as I clenched them.

“Feels so good.” I whimpered as she continued to rub me in slow circles alternating between pushing inside and pinching my clit.

“I love you, Lou.” Carmen worked me over until I was a soaked mess having come all over her hand and between us. We rolled over, this time I was on my back and I positioned Carmen over my thigh rocking her with each stroke. Panting she came nearly as quickly sinking her slight weight over me. I kissed the top of her head and pulled the comforter off the bed covering us in our own passionate cocoon.

I guess the floor would be getting more action after all.

Excerpt from Mission For Love

“Why are you going to Poughkeepsie when we have a perfectly good place right here that requires zero driving?” Andy shot back at me as I slipped my watch on and fixed my t-shirt. Mom left me a package of new black shirts in my dresser and still thinks of me as her little boy before being shipped off to boot camp. I haven’t worn a size medium in years and here I was trying to stuff my adult body into a shirt that might have fit me in high school a decade earlier if I was lucky.

But hey, it was the thought that counts right?

I peered in the mirror looking at my brother who sat on the edge of my bed making himself a nuisance.

“You’re still here Andrew?” I drawled doing my best not to roll my eyes.

He huffed and crossed his leg resting it on his knee. He looked insulted that I was leaving town to go to a different bar where no one knew me. I felt a theme song coming on and pushed the ridiculous thought down.

“Still here.” He waved like a lunatic making himself comfortable on my bed and me increasingly uncomfortable. I could say any number of harsh things to him to get him out of my personal space, but I was working on that. The discharge therapists at the VA warned me I would feel residual feelings after being medically discharged from the army. I had planned to make a career of it and now someone else had taken that option away from me.

“You look worried papa bear. I’ll be fine.” I glared at him in the mirror and he ignored me. God, he was good at that. I don’t know if it made him wiser or older but he perfected the art of silently scolding.

Technically, he was younger than me, but way more successful in the ways that counted according to my parents. Andy had an uncanny sense for numbers and business working his ass off with the family pub and brewery. I’d been busy running off to fight wars in the desert made by greedy men while my blood and best friend was building up the family business, taking over, and getting married to a girl I couldn’t stand. Maybe I wasn’t being fair, but Sierra was a conversation for another day and a train wreck headache that seemed to linger.

“I’m not worried.” Andy looked worried. I wasn’t going out for a wild night, I just needed a break but something seemed to be on his mind and if I didn’t address it now he might not ever leave my apartment so I could enjoy myself and what was left of the rest of my night.

“Remi will be fine. I just saw her downstairs.” The mere mention of the tiny red headed tornado who worked for us and lived on the floor in between made Andy bristle.

Still nothing.

“I see mom is stocking your closet.” He quipped with a snarky expression pawing through my clothes.

“Shut up, asshole.” I said grabbing the closest thing to me.

/> “Don’t worry. Black is slimming and the mirror shows an extra ten pounds anyway.”

“I didn’t ask your opinion.” I glared at him trying to tug down the t-shirt before giving up and peeling it off. My muscles would have shredded the cotton before I even got out the door.

“The next thing you know you’re going to be asking me, if this shirt makes me look fat, and I’m just trying to head off the awkward conversation now rather than later.”

I rolled my eyes. My brother, a fucking comedian.

“She needs something do in Florida. Dad should buy her a boat or something. Didn’t you buy them out for a pretty penny?”

“Sure did, but you know Mom. Always hovering, always sneaking in things we don’t even realize we need.”

“Yeah, but I’d like some shirts that won’t strangle me. Maybe you should tell her this isn’t my size.” I dropped the medium shirt to the floor. I’d pick it up later.

Tags: M.C. Cerny Love By Design Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025