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Never Underestimate a Caffarelli

Page 43

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‘You have something against picnics?’

‘No, of course not. I love picnics. It’s just I thought—’

‘Meet me down by the lake. There’s a glade on the western side. It’ll be sheltered there if the wind picks up.’

‘You don’t want me to push you down there?’

He gave her a look. ‘No.’

‘But how will you—?’

‘I have ways and means.’

* * *

The ways and means had four legs, a mane, a tail and looked terrifyingly skittish. Lily was waiting on a tartan blanket Dominique had packed along with the picnic when she saw Raoul coming towards her astride a glossy black stallion—she assumed it was the one she had seen him with before. He was leading another saddled horse on a rein and she recognised it as the gentle one called Mardi that Etienne had introduced her to that first day. Her heart gave a sudden lurch. What was he doing riding? How had he got on and what if he fell off? She sprang to her feet, almost tripping over the picnic basket as she did so. ‘Are you out of your mind?’

The stallion gave a snort and danced as if the ground beneath his hooves had suddenly turned to hot coals. Raoul kept his seat and soothed the horse in softly murmured French. The mare did nothing but look with considerable relish at the fresh baguette that was lying on the tablecloth. ‘I thought you liked horses.’

‘I do, but you’re not supposed to be riding!’

‘Why not?’

‘Because you could fall off!’

‘I won’t fall off.’ He stroked the stallion’s satin-like neck. ‘This is the perfect solution. I have four good legs instead of two bad ones.’

Lily gave him and the flighty horse a doubtful look. The stallion looked edgy and temperamental. Raoul was flirting with danger if he thought he could ride again as if nothing had changed. If he fell off he could damage his spine even more. The thought of him being injured further made her stomach curdle. Hadn’t he had enough to deal with without looking for more tragedy?

‘You’re mad. You’re asking for trouble. It’s too soon. You could end up worse off. If you fall off and break both your legs, don’t come running to me.’ She blushed when she realised the absurdity of what she’d said. ‘I meant that figuratively...of course.’

‘Of course.’ He grinned as he held out the mare’s reins. ‘Then supervise me. Come with me and make sure I’m being a good boy.’

She gave him a telling look. ‘You and that stallion of yours are about as far away from good as it’s possible to be.’

His eyes glinted at her. ‘He looks mean and he acts mean, but he’s a big softy underneath all that bluster.’

Lily took the mare’s reins after a lengthy hesitation. The smell of leather and horse took her back to a time in her life when everything had been settled and in order. Happy. She stroked Mardi’s shoulder as she prepared to mount. ‘Good girl. Nice girl. Steady. Steady.’ She managed to vault into the saddle without going over the other side like a circus clown, but it was a very near thing.

‘You have a good seat.’

‘Let’s hope I keep it,’ she muttered.

It didn’t take her long to find her rhythm. The mare was as gentle and quiet as a lamb and her gait steady and sure. Raoul’s stallion was anything but. He pranced and snorted but Raoul didn’t appear to be having any trouble in keeping his seat. If anything he seemed to be enjoying himself. He looked relaxed and happy, his smile making him appear younger and more carefree than she had ever seen him. Looking at him now, no one would ever know he was unable to walk. He looked utterly gorgeous; fit, strong and devastatingly handsome.

He was the most wonderful, decent, honourable man she had ever met.

Hadn’t the last two weeks confirmed that? He’d kept a polite distance, respecting her decision that night in the pool to refrain from committing to a physical relationship. He hadn’t pressured her to talk about her past. He had simply given her the space to be herself.

He made her feel safe.

Her heart gave a little squeeze at the thought of going back to her life in London when this appointment was over.

Back to her female clients.

Back to her lonely nights watching something inane on television to fill in the hours until it was time to go to bed.

Back to reading books describing experiences she would never experience first-hand.

Like falling in love.

Lily gnawed at her lip. Maybe she wouldn’t have to rely on books for that. Didn’t she already feel a little bit in love with Raoul?

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