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Highlander Unchained (Highlander Trilogy 1)

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There was more than she was telling him. “Why else did he punish you?”

Dawn felt trapped more than she ever had in her life. And having no voice to speak her mind, cry out her sorrow or pain or even laugh made her feel trapped beyond measure. But now stuck between Colum and Cree she wasn’t sure who to fear most. Lying to either one of them could bring her suffering, but what was she to do?

Cree gently caught her chin with his fingers. “You will tell me and I will protect you.”

But who will protect me from you?

Dawn didn’t know what to do and thankfully Cree saved her from having to make a choice.

“Colum expects you to get information from me, doesn’t he?”

She nodded with relief. She hadn’t told him; he had realized it himself and so she did not feel guilty of divulging the truth. But what now that he knew? Surely he would not share information with her.

He released her chin, though his fingers drifted to her bruised cheek and faintly traced the purple area. “I will not see you suffer for me.”

Dawn didn’t know what he could do to stop Colum. He was locked away, a prisoner, while Colum was free to do as he pleased. And he was one man against many, though if his reputation proved true that would matter little. It was said that he alone could kill dozens of men and yet he touched her now with tenderness that surprised her. She had not thought him capable of compassion, but his gentle caress told her differently.

“You will obey me and I will see that you are kept safe.”

Obey. It seemed as if she forever obeyed someone but then it was necessary to survival and she would do what she must to survive. Her mum had taught her that and so much more. She had taught her that to survive she had to have patience, listen, hear, and learn.

Was she not hearing something he was trying to tell her?

She took his hand that rested on her cheek and she thought she felt him startle, though it was such a brief reaction that she couldn’t be certain. She squeezed it and then pointed around the confined space and at the locked door.

He leaned close, his hand resting in hers, and his warm breath fanning her face. “You wonder how I can protect you while locked away in here.”

His lips were only inches from hers and his eyes were fired with a heat that set her own temperature rising and her heart beating madly against her chest. She had never laid eyes on a man as sinfully handsome as Cree. His looks alone could turn a woman’s thoughts wicked, not to mention the size and strength of him.

“Worry not,” he said his breath whispering across her lips. “Trust me and I will always protect you.”

Dawn shivered for she feared that if she trusted him, it would be like surrendering her soul to the devil.

She released his hand and shrugged.

“You still wonder how I could protect you being I’m locked away.”

She nodded.

Cree returned to tending her leg as he spoke. “I will give you information to give to Colum.”

Her brow rose with suspicion.

“You may not be able to talk but your expressions speak clearly.”

The thought that he could read her so easily disturbed her. It had taken Lila years to be able to read her expressions. How had he been able to do it so fast when he barely knew her?

“It is information that will satisfy him.”

But be no threat to Cree, she thought. That would appease Colum but how long before he found out the truth? What would happen to her then?

“That is all you presently need to concern yourself with,” he ordered. “Take what information I give you to Colum and you will suffer no more.”

Doubt surfaced on her face.

“Do not question your good luck,” Cree snapped and tossed the cloth into the bucket. Then he provided her with a tad of information, which she assumed was a lie but would probably appease Colum.

“Now rest. You have suffered enough this day,” he said.

Dawn wasn’t sure what to do. Never had she rested during the day. There was always work to be done whether in the kitchen for Flanna or in her own small cottage. Not that she would mind having a rest. She had barely slept last night and she was beginning to feel the pain of her wounds.

“Have you yet to learn that I don’t give orders twice?”

She yawned though no sound came with it and he stared at her oddly. Most people did when they realized that she never issued a single sound.

“Your body agrees with me,” he snapped annoyed and blew out the candles moving them aside. “Now lie down and rest.”

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