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Highlander Unchained (Highlander Trilogy 1)

Page 37

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Sloan nodded slowly. “That he will, though it will not be just another victorious battle we celebrate. It will finally be having a permanent home that we celebrate.”

A shout to Sloan had him running and Cree standing on the steps of the keep alone. This was his now, hard won and a longtime coming. But he and his men had earned it and they would protect their new home with their lives. No one would take it away from them; no one could. The King had decreed it.

He cast an anxious glance over the village to see if his men had returned with Dawn yet. She was nowhere in sight and so he turned and entered the keep wondering how he would stop himself from taking the silent one to his bed tonight.


Lila would not stop asking about Paul as the warrior carried her out of the woods. Dawn reassured her over and over that he was fine and being tended to by Cree’s healer. And still she questioned until a pain gripped her and she cried out.

Dawn pointed toward Lila’s cottage as they neared it.

The large man shook his head. “Cree ordered her to be brought to the keep and you to be brought directly to him.”

“Paul is at the keep. I want to—” Lila screamed and the warrior carrying her stumbled but never let go of her. “The baby,” she cried out her hands going to her rounded stomach.

Dawn rushed to Lila’s cottage and the warriors did as she had hoped; they followed after her. She was ever so grateful that the cottage suffered no damage during the battle. She hurried inside and yanked the blanket down to the bottom of the bed and gestured for the warrior to place her there.

“We must go to the keep,” he insisted and turned assuming Dawn would follow.

Lila cried out again. “The baby is coming.”

The warrior sped to the bed, placed Lila on it, and hurried over to the two other warriors who had entered. They whispered amongst themselves

“Please bring my husband to me,” Lila called out to them.

Dawn walked over to them and shooed them toward the door.

The large one protested. “We are to remain with you until we can get you to the keep.”

Dawn shook her head and shooed them again forcing two out. The big one wouldn’t budge until Lila let out another earth-shattering scream.

“I will be right outside,” he said and hurried out closing the door behind him.

Dawn rolled up her one sleeve and returned to Lila’s side ready to help her friend.


Paul entered the cottage a short time later supported by two warriors. Dawn was quick to move a chair by the bed so that Paul would be close by his wife and the warriors eased him down on it.

The large warrior had followed them in and motioned to Dawn. You are to come with me now. The healer will be here shortly to help birth the babe.

Dawn shook her head, her hands motioning and the warrior scratching his head.

“Dawn says she is staying here and helping her friend,” Paul said.

“Cree has ordered her return to the keep,” the large man explained.

Dawn shook her head and waved her hands signifying that she was not going anywhere.

The large warrior shook his head and scratched his graying beard. “You have no choice, lassie, and he stepped toward her.

Dawn grabbed the broom resting against the fireplace and swung it at the guard.

“She’s warning you to stay away from her,” Paul said. “Can you let her stay until the babe is born and then she will go with you?”

Dawn nodded vigorously.

“It is not my choice.”

The healer entered the cottage the same time that Lila let out another blood-curdling scream and Dawn foolishly let down her guard. The large warrior lunged grabbing the broom and tossing it aside as his other hand grabbed for her. With a tight grip on her arm he dragged her to the door.

Lila screamed at him to let her go that she needed her there with her. The healer, an older woman as round as she was short, attempted to assure her that she would help her and all would be well. Lila would hear none of it; she continued to cry out to Dawn.

Paul pleaded with the warrior to let Dawn stay but he paid no heed to the pleas. He dragged Dawn out of the cottage. She fought him every step of the way but try as she might his grip was too strong for her to break.

Once he got her in the Great Hall Cree’s voice rang out trembling the rafters.

“Dawn, cease your struggles.”

She stilled and turned to face him and her heart hammered in her chest. He was more imposing and more handsome in full light and it sent her knees trembling. Whatever did he want with her? And did she truly want to find out?

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