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Highlander Unchained (Highlander Trilogy 1)

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Free time was not something Dawn was not used to. She had worked hard as long as she could remember. So to be so carefree with no worry of getting chores done was a bit disconcerting to her. Her mum had warned her often that idle hands brought trouble. With that reminder she decided to collect some heather and dry it for the coming winter. It would keep her cottage smelling fresh.

She retrieved a basket from her cottage and headed to the small hill on the outskirts of the village, not far from the fields the men tended. She was not concerned for her safety having spotted a warrior trailing her. Besides she didn’t intended to linger. She would collect extra and stop to give some to Lila on her way back. It would give her a chance to visit with baby Thomas.

Dawn took longer than she intended, the sunny day, the lovely scent of heather, the light autumn breeze all served to delay her return. When her basket was full to overflowing, she smiled and realized she had lingered long enough.

The warrior must have thought the same for he approached her.

“Time to go,” he said.

She nodded and smiled, feeling a bit guilty. He surely must have been bored waiting for her.

He reached out and took the basket from her and she was about to thank him when he tossed it aside and grabbed her arm.

He grinned. “Why don’t you scream?”

She turned to see if anyone was in sight. Men were working in the field, three women lingered to talk beneath a large tree but they were all at a distance, though not that far away to help her if she could scream.

His grip was so tight, she could not break free and he forced her to walk alongside him. Her eyes widened when she saw that they were headed to the woods. She glanced around hoping someone would look their way, see her frightened face, and help her.

The warrior leaned his head down. “You’re the devil’s whore. Why would anyone help you?”

Chapter Twenty-seven

Cree’s warriors circled the trembling young man. The only escape for him was death and when two warriors parted to let Cree enter, he knew death would be a welcome relief.

“Tell me what I want to know and I will I kill you swiftly,” Cree said walking slowly around him. “Tell me nothing and I will make you suffer the torments of hell.”

The young man’s mouth went dry and fearing he would not be able to speak, he nodded.

Cree stopped in front of him, close enough to smell his fear. “Who wants the voiceless one dead?”

The young man licked his lips, though they remained dry, his mouth parched. “I—I don’t—”

“Lie to me again and I will slice your arm open from shoulder to wrist.” His hand went to the handle of his dirk in a sheath at his waist.

“Please, I beg, mercy, please.”

“You beg for your life when you had no qualms about taking one,” he shouted in the man’s face and he paled.

“I—I—I did not try to harm the woman. My task was to lead you astray.”

Cree’s hand snapped out and grabbed the startled man by the neck. “What do you mean?”

He choked out the words. “Two of us were instructed to keep you on our trail, away from the village while the others went for the woman.”

Cree released him so suddenly that the man stumbled and collapsed to the ground, choking to regain his breath.

“You know what to do with him when you get him back to the keep,” Cree said to two warriors.” The rest of you follow me. We ride hard and fast.”


Sloan had several warriors comb the village for Dawn. She had left the keep before he could assign a warrior to her. Cree would kill him if anything happened to her and he would deserve it. He had been ordered to keep her safe and what had he done? After dealing with Flanna and the servants he had been summoned to handle a problem at the mill and it wasn’t until he returned to the keep that he had thought about Dawn.

A warrior rushed toward him and Sloan flew off the steps to meet him.

A few words were exchanged and the two men took off, Sloan shouting to other warriors who fell in behind them. When he reached the spot where the basket lay on the ground, heather strewn about, he shook his head.

He looked around at the group of warriors waiting for orders. “We don’t return until we find her. And remember she has no voice.” They all nodded knowing full well they would rather search the woods all night than face Cree’s wrath if they returned without her.

Twenty or more warriors gathered at the edge of the woods, spread out, and headed into the forest at a fast pace.

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