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Highlander Unchained (Highlander Trilogy 1)

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The next thing Dawn knew they were turning up the path to her old cottage and she felt her heart catch. This was home to her; this was where she belonged. And she entered willingly as Old Mary urged her through the door.

Dawn stood, her heart thumping madly in her chest as she looked around to see a table and two chairs and a narrow bed with a fine stuffed mattress occupying the spot that her sleeping pallet once did.

“I have a fine cottage, right here in the village because of you,” Old Mary boasted and shoved her gently to the bed. “You should rest; you look tired and you will have a good rest here in your old home.”

The old woman was right, she felt drained, as if she hadn’t slept all night, but then she had only slept part of the night. And being here—being home—she felt a certain comfort.

Dawn stretched out on the bed and Old Mary reached out to stroke her forehead. “You were born very special, Dawn, you must always remember that.”

For a moment with her eyes drifting closed she thought it was her mum talking and telling her, as usual, how special she was and she slipped into a peaceful slumber.


It hadn’t taken much to get Seth to talk. Cree supposed it was because as he did he realized himself that whoever had hired him never expected him to return. Never expected to pay him the large sum that had been promised after the mission had been successfully completed since it was expected that the fools stupid enough to take on the task would, in the end, not survive. Seth had grown angrier the more he realized he had been duped, therefore, he became more talkative, more forthcoming. And it made him wiser to the fact that once Cree had what he needed from him, his life would be worthless.

Cree was not at all surprised by what Seth proposed when that time came.

“I can find the others for you and any more men that are sent.”

Cree stood, his arms folded across his chest, a scowl on his face, staring at the bloodied young man still tied to the post. He appeared to mean every word, though Cree still did not trust him. He did however intend to use him to find the others who had been sent to harm Dawn.

“I will pledge my fealty to you and serve you well if you let me.”

“It is easy to pledge fealty when you are about to die,” Cree said.

Seth paled. “A chance, just give me a chance to prove that I am true to my word.

Cree appeared to consider it, though his decision had already been made. Then he looked to Sloan. “Get him cleaned up, fed, and take him to the shack. Tomorrow he’s to go with the troop of warriors to find the other two.” Cree eyes fell on Seth whose relief was obvious. “You go back on your word and I will cut your tongue out and force it down your throat before I slowly kill you.”

Seth shuddered. “I will serve you well, my lord. I swear it”

“We will see, for you have not escaped death yet.” Cree walked away, Sloan following him. “Keep him locked in the shack with two guards on it at all times and send two extra men with the troop tomorrow, their sole mission to stay atop Seth.”

Sloan nodded. “You think he means to run or finish what he started.”

“I don’t think he’s a fool, especially after what he learned himself. And we have picked many a man up along the way that could not at first be trusted, but proved their worth.”

“More like they saw that you were a man of your word and that they were well compensated for fighting alongside you.” Sloan grinned. “Of course it didn’t hurt to see what you did to those who betrayed you and was the reason many believe you the devil.”

“Fear is a good comrade to send into battle before you. Now what of Rem?”

“He’s enjoying a good meal, I assume his last, while he waits for you in the Great Hall, though I have never known you to give a condemned man a last meal. Is there something I missed about Rem?”

“He gives no thought to suffering or death. He is a desperate man and I want to know why.”

A few minutes later Cree and Sloan entered the Great Hall. Sloan joined Rem at the table while Cree stood.

Rem raised his tankard to Cree. “The devil is generous providing me with a fine meal before I die.”

“I’ve decided to delay your execution.”

“Why?” Rem demanded pounding his tankard down on the table. “I’ve told you all I know and all I’ve surmised from meeting the others. This is no fool who hired these men. He knows what he does and he is determined in what he wants and he wants the voiceless one dead.”

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