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Highlander Unchained (Highlander Trilogy 1)

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Her problems than had been nothing compared to what they were now. As for solutions? There were none. She belonged to Cree and he could do with her as he saw fit. And yet when she thought about it, he had done nothing more than treat her well and protect her. But then as he often reminded her… she belonged to him. And while the thought sent a shiver through her, it was for a far different reason than she would have imagined. As much as it alarmed her to think about it, she truly felt that she wasn’t falling—but had fallen—in love with the devil.


Cree had almost made it to the keep steps when he turned around and returned to the cottage. An overwhelming need had forced him to go back. He had no idea the reason for it but he had learned a long time ago to follow such potent instincts. Of course there was also the fact that he had not wanted to leave Dawn in the first place.

The guilt for having caused her harm had overpowered his anger at her foolish actions. He would have loved to have throttled her for what she had done and how she had scared the life out of him but he would never lay a hand on her that way. He was relieved that her wound was not severe and only painful. Perhaps the pain would remind her to think before she acted so foolishly.

He entered quietly so as not to disturb her and when he stepped into the other room and saw her sitting in front of the fireplace as he had found her on another occasion, he stopped. He watched her a moment and ascertained that she was not crying. Why then was she sitting there with her knees drawn so tightly to her?

Dawn,” he said softly as he approached not wanting to frighten her.

She startled nonetheless and turned.

He scooped her up in his arms and held her close as he sat on the edge of the bed. “No tears this time but obviously something troubles you.”

She was surprised by his return, pleased actually, and also pleased that he cared enough to ask what troubled her, but did she tell him? Did she let him know of her need for him? Did she let him know that she favored him by her side, in her bed? Did she let him know that she had fallen in love with him?

“If it is punishment you fear, worry not. The pain and discomfort your wound brings you will serve as punishment enough and be a lingering reminder.”

Did she allow him to think that was what concerned her?

He pressed his cheek to hers and then brushed his lips over hers. “I can see that wasn’t it. And since you know full well that I never ask twice, I wait on the truth. A reminder… there isn’t anything that you cannot confide in me. Tell me your worry, all your worries. Tell me even if you think it unimportant or foolish. Tell me whether it be sorrow, happiness, regret or…” He kissed her softly. “Tell me, Dawn.”

His words and his kiss gave her the courage to admit what she had tried to hide from herself. There was one gesture she used to let people know that she loved them but her love for Cree was different than for anyone else and she wanted a gesture that was meant to show it and meant only for him.

She pressed her hand to her heart and then with the same hand pressed it over his heart.

He stood abruptly and dropped her on the bed. “Do not be so foolish to tell the devil that you love him.”

He walked out of the room and when Dawn heard the door slam shut, she began to cry.

Chapter Thirty-two

“Damn her,” Cree mumbled beneath his breath as he vaulted up the keep steps and straight through the Great Hall to his solar without acknowledging anyone. He slammed the door shut and went to the pitcher on the table and filled a tankard to the brim with ale. He downed half without stopping.

He then dumped himself in a chair before the hearth and let out a heavy sigh. How could she love a heartless bastard like him? He had almost killed her and what does she do? She tells him that she loves him.

He had encouraged her to tell him anything… anything other than she loved him that was. He squirmed in the chair. He understood immediately or perhaps it was instinctively her silent words when she had placed her hand to her chest and then to his.


He wasn’t capable of loving. He had turned his heart silent a long time ago and yet…

He downed the rest of his ale and stared at the flames. He had been drawn to Dawn from when he had first seen her. He had allowed Colum to capture him, allowed him to put him on display in front of the village, allowed the fool to think that he had actually captured the infamous Cree.

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