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The Billionaire's Baby

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Jeremy refilled Roberta's glass and poured one for Cynthia. Roberta gratefully drank. She was beginning to feel light headed and enjoyed the sensation. Cynthia sat cross legged on the floor in front of Roberta. She insistently patted the floor next to her and beckoned for Jeremy and Roberta to join her. They obeyed.

"First- I love Jeremy with all of my heart. Second- I would stay devoted to him if he lost all of his money" Roberta hoped that Cynthia had chosen to reveal her two truths first. It would not make sense if either of those were a lie. They seemed to go hand in hand. Roberta could not imagine that a man as handsome and strong as Jeremy could be left for something as common as money. Cynthia seemed to be able to take care of herself. Roberta would not be surprised if she were to discover that Cynthia was worth twice as much as Jeremy Leon. Roberta braced herself for the lie." Third- I think that you are the softest, most beautiful thing I have ever seen." and she caressed Roberta's cheek before planting a soft but loaded kiss on Roberta's lips.

Roberta's head was spinning, but she was sure that it was not from the amber liquid this time. She felt herself kissing Cynthia back, and enjoying the sensation. Cynthia pulled back and Jeremy leaned in and kissed her as well. Roberta felt the contrast of his masculine lips to Cynthia's more delicate ones. She enjoyed both. She was confused. She pulled back.

"Do not over think it darling." Cynthia said "You are so beautiful. So utterly irresistible that Jeremy and I must both have you." She lifted her nightgown over her head and leaned in for another kiss. Roberta could feel Jeremy's mouth on her breasts and then trail down to her stomach. His hands and Cynthia's hands were greedily searching her body. She felt the contrast of Cynthia's delicate slender hands, smooth and soft to Jeremy's larger, rough hands that greedily dug into her skin. She decided to give into the moment, and when she did she felt a rumbling begin to grow in the back of her throat. Cynthia leaned her head back and heard a noise emit from her lips that could only be described as a purr.

When it they were finished. Jeremy and Cynthia wordlessly led Roberta back to her room. They each kissed her once again and then Roberta laid down on the pale pink duvet and fell fast asleep.

When she awoke in the morning, Roberta felt odd. She had a churning in her stomach that she had never experienced before. Roberta did not think that it was guilt that she was feeling. What had happened last night between the three of them had felt so good, so right. Roberta had never felt so desired in her life. All of her past boyfriends had tried their best in bed, but had never quite satisfied her the way that Cynthia and Jeremy had last night. She decided that she was most likely hungry, and could do with a bit to eat so she got up and out of bed. Henderson had left her a breakfast tray with an omelet, fresh strawberries, and toast. The only thing that looked appetizing was the toast. Roberta ate it dry and washed it down with some lukewarm tea. What was wrong with her, she hoped that she wasn't getting the flu. That was the last thing that she needed. She had a wedding to plan.

Roberta took another long bath and got dressed. She opted for lose linen pants and a gauzy button-down shirt. She put a pair of golden dangling earrings on that always made her feel beautiful. Her mother had always taught her that the best way to start feeling better was to get dressed and go to work.

Roberta looked around for the leather binder that contained all of Jeremy's desires for the wedding. She could not remember where she had placed it last night. She could not even remember the last time that she had seen in. She searched the room for it but it was nowhere to be found. Roberta decided that she would have to ask Henderson if he had seen it. She hoped that perhaps he had taken it when he dropped off her breakfast tray. Maybe Jeremy had instructed him to make a few last minute changes. She felt guilty that she had been at the estate for almost 24 hours and did not yet even know the color scheme for the wedding.

Roberta went to open the door and stepped on something that made a crinkling noise beneath her foot. It was a letter. She stooped down and picked the letter up. Her name was on the front, written in elegant calligraphy. The stationary was weighty and expensive. It had seen sealed with an old-fashioned was seal. Roberta broke the seal open and read the letter.

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