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New York Rain

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“So wet, so gloriously wet.”

With that, he pulled her to the ground, on top of a plush Persian rug, and with his eager lips and tongue he began to devour her pussy utterly, seemingly insatiable, with the lustful hunger of a wild, rabid beast. He clapped his hands twice, and the lights dimmed down low.

That was when the fireworks really began.

It was late morning when she awoke, lying naked in a tangle of satin sheets on Brenton's vast bed, staring out of his panoramic windows at the broad spread of New York City, waking with the rising sun below her. A trail of their scattered clothes and underwear lead from the bed to the enormous living room, where they had first made love the night before. Somehow, Jade's bag had ended up next to the bed, so she leaned over and pulled out her phone to check the time. She realized that Jenny's message to her was still on the screen, but before she had the chance to read it, a voice spoke behind her.

“Morning beautiful,” said a gruff voice.

She turned and saw that Brenton had also woken up, and was looking up at her with a warm smile on his face.

“Morning Batman,” she said with a chuckle. “Hey, I need to take a shower real quick. Where should I go?”

“That door over there,” he said. “Use any of the towels in there, they were all freshly laundered yesterday.”

She wrapped a sheet around herself and tiptoed off to the shower, and Brenton watched her go.

“What's this?” he whispered to himself as he saw her phone lying on the pillow, where she had left it.

He picked up the phone and saw a message on the screen.

Who are you messaging at this time of the morning, Jade? That's a bit weird. I shouldn't look, I know... but... I have to.

He looked at the words on the screen.

“Hey girl, that white guy with the Maserati is a real chump! He's rich as hell though, so I'm gonna milk that as much as I can before I kick him to the curb. Hopefully I get some LV bags and maybe even a diamond or two before I ditch him! LOL! -J.”

Brenton's expression morphed from one of quiet contentment to one of dark rage in an instant.

So that's all I am to you, Jade? A “rich chump with a Maserati”? I knew it. I knew this whole 'love' thing was all bullshit. All lies, all of it. Well, you think you're gonna play me? I'm already one step ahead of you, bitch.

Jade emerged from the bathroom half an hour later, and was surprised to see that Brenton had left already. There was, however, a note on the bed.

“Had a meeting to get to. I left cab fare and a message for you with Francisco, the doorman, downstairs. Sorry I had to rush off. -B.”

Alright, that's a bit odd. Why didn't he say anything about this earlier? Still, it doesn't matter. I feel great! For once, everything is working out for me! Life is really looking up!

Jade got dressed and headed downstairs. When she got to Francisco, however, the old man was wearing a far different expression on his face than the friendly smile that he had had the night before.

“Hi Francisco,” she said warmly.

“This is for you,” he said, pushing an envelope toward her coldly.

She looked inside, feeling very confused. There was enough money for a cab ride to her place, and a small note. She pulled the note out and read it, and as she did, her heart sank and her head began to swim with dizziness.

“Did you really think you could play me like that, you materialistic, money-grubbing whore? Do you really think I'm that stupid? Well, I've got news for you: this 'rich white chump with the Maserati' is onto you, and I don't play the kind of games you do. Project SolarTwo is hereby canceled, and furthermore, if you step foot into this building ever again, your ass will get arrested quicker than you can say 'one two three'. -B.”


It had been four months since Jade had last seen Brenton. Since the terrible misunderstanding that had torn their budding relationship into a million pieces, she had not been able to get hold of him. All she had wanted to do was to explain that the message he had seen on her phone was not typed by her, but was a message coming to her from a friend, who also, unfortunately, had a name beginning with the letter 'J'. Brenton, however, would not hear of it, and was not prepared to listen to a single word she had to say. He had blocked her phone, her email and her social media accounts. The Chinese investors hoping to back the SolarTwo Project had pulled out after Brenton had abruptly pulled the plug on the American side of the deal.

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