New York Rain - Page 28

He had gotten another girl pregnant while Sandra and he had been engaged. She had come to Sandra and informed her that she was having a baby and it was Jason’s.

“I don’t believe you, he wouldn’t cheat on me.” Sandra had told the girl.

Why she had trusted him she didn’t know. The girl had produced pictures of the two of them together. Clearly they weren’t sleeping in the bed either. She also shared some rather explicit live videos of Jason and her.

Sandra had left, hadn’t even asked him about it. She had been devastated that he had done that to her. It had made her self- conscious for years too. The girl Jason had slept with was a cheerleader on the campus. Sandra was a bigger girl even then.

She had confronted him about it later on that day. “Why did you sleep with her?” Sandra had asked him.

“Because she wanted it and I could.” He had answered her. He hadn’t felt guilty about it one bit.

“You act like your proud of it.” She had stated.

“I’m not ashamed of it if that’s what you’re saying. I could have any girl on this campus right now. But the fact was for a bit you were my flavor of the month. I got tired of you and moved on; you just didn’t take the hints.” Jason had said to her.

Sandra had run out of the apartment. Ever since that day she couldn’t stand anyone who was rich. It was kind of funny when she got into charity even planning. Her main job was to woe money out of people’s hands. When she dealt with the rich, she would often try to make them feel guilty about not donating more.

She went and sat on her couch. Sandra was wearing her favorite shirt and jeans. They were well worn and comfortable. She waited for his car and driver to show up, wondering what she would end up saying to Mr. Harold Washington today.

Chapter 10

Harold woke up and went to his study. Sitting on the fax machine were papers from his man. He picked them up to learn all he could about Sandra Sims.

“Well this is interesting.” He said while he read the report.

Sandra Sims, never married, attended Harvard University on student loans. “She still has a huge pay off on those loans too.” He noted. “Never married?” He went back to the other interesting point of the report. “How did no one ever tie her down?” He asked.

Looking through the sheets he finally found the one he was looking for. “Here it is: past and current boyfriends.” He looked through a surprisingly short list.

“She’s a beautiful creature, how did she not date more men?” He noticed that his guy did a bang up job on his research.

“Let’s just call good old Jason Jones here and see what happened between the two of them.” Harold said as he dialed the number that was listed on the report.

“Hello.” He heard a deep voice answer the line.

“Can I speak with Jason Jones please?” Harold asked. By his estimations Jones would be around 39 right now. According to his guy he was a rich boy who didn’t do much of anything. He simply was a play boy who moved around from city to city.

“This is him. Who is this?”

“My name is Harold Washington.”

“Of the California Washington’s?”

“Yes the one and only.”

“Sure what can I do for you?”

“Do you remember a Sandra Sims from Harvard University?” Harold asked.

“Oh yeah Sandra, I remember her. She was a feisty tiger, I miss fucking her. I’ve read a lot about her in the past, but I’m not really sure what she’s doing now. I’m a bit too busy.” Jason answered.

Harold wanted to say. “You’re a bit too busy doing what?” But he didn’t. “What happened between you two?” Harold asked instead.

“Oh well I’m not the type to settle down I slept around when I was dating her, ended up getting the other girl pregnant. That was it she was out the door. Sometimes I miss her though, never had one who could suck like that. If you know what I mean!” Jason laughed heartily on the line.

“Hm you don’t say? Well that’s all I really need to know.” Harold said.

“So what’s she up too?” Jason asked.

“She’s meeting me today. You might want to read the headlines in the papers to find out more. That is if you are really interested.” Harold closed.

Tags: Riley Moreno Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024