New York Rain - Page 30

Sandra had cried so many tears for Jason Jones. She had given him her whole heart, and when he cheated on her and said the things he had. It broke her heart into a million pieces.

Slowly she had put it together. But there had been times when she was feeling better, and Jason would stab at her again. He’d call her to ask how she was doing. Sandra had believed he cared for her several times he done that in the past.

“Look Sandra, you know I love you. I’ve missed you so much.” She remembered he had purred it to her over the phone.

Sandra had smiled thinking he was coming back to her. She let him back a few times too. Those had been the worst mistakes of her life. Each time he had gone back out and cheated with another girl. Not the same one he had the baby with either. Hell that might have made it at least a little better. She could understand him running back to the mother of his baby. But Jason was just a slut. He loved women and he couldn’t stick with one female.

It had taken her forever to learn that about him. The amount of tears she had cried over him had been insane. When she had finally recovered, she never wanted to let her heart out to any one again.

For that reason over the years she had never dated again. She did have a few sexual partners, but really not many. Sandra thought in her head, besides Jason she had been with two other people.

Not many and she didn’t think her heart would ever feel a touch of light again. But when Harold Washington had apologized she felt an inkling of something. It wasn’t something she was sure about. Sandra was also not sure if she liked the feeling.

The last time she had those feelings in her heart, she had hurt far too long. She looked at Harold’s smile. It changed his face to something that was amazing. Sandra couldn’t explain it, but he actually became a mixture of handsome and beautiful at the same time.

“Oh shit.” She thought to herself. “Hold on to your heart Sandra, don’t get carried away. He didn’t say he wanted to marry you.” Her mind chastised her feelings.

Chapter 13

Harold had watched her face change as she was processing what he had told her. Each time that Harold said something that shocked her, he swore he could see her reliving parts of her past.

With his information he was almost positive she would be thinking of Jason Jones at those points. He could see her face change as she experienced some of the pain from her past. It hurt him to see that pain in her eyes. The look made him think of Emily and the pain she had gone through in the end.

Harold realized something at that point. He had seen this look of pain in her eyes more than once. It had always been when she was pleading with him to end her life.

“Harold please just let me die. I don’t want to have this pain anymore.” Emily had begged more than once.

“I can’t Emily, I love you too much. I don’t want to let you go.” He had cried.

“If you really loved me Harold you would let me go.” Emily had pleaded.

Harold realized just how badly he had hurt Emily in those last few years. He felt bad about it. “I’m not a nice guy.” Harold thought to himself.

He tried to focus on Sandra, she was just like Emily. He loved that about her. Was there more he loved about her? Was it far to have her just so he could have the parts of her that were just like Emily?

He didn’t know if he really cared of not. But when she agreed to give him a second change he knew he was going to use that to his benefit.

“So the first thing I’m going to do is call David and get your job back for you.” Harold told her.

“Really you don’t need too. I can find another job on my own.” Sandra said.

“But you shouldn’t have been fired. I did deserve your comments.” Harold stated.

“No I should have been fired I would do it if I was the CEO of the company.” Sandra admitted.

“But what about your school loans, how will you continue to pay those?” Harold asked.

He watched her face as she went from calm and serine to angry.

“What did you just ask me? How do you know about those? Not even Jack knows I’m still paying on them.” Sandra looked at him with a glare.

Harold knew he had messed up as soon as he had noticed her face get angry. “Shit I will have to explain this one.” He thought.

Tags: Riley Moreno Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024