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Beautiful Failure

Page 36

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I shut my eyes and toss my head back against the seat, holding my sides because they haven’t experienced laughter like this in years.

By the time I calm down, I notice that he’s turned the car off and is looking at me with his eyebrow raised.

“What?” I ask.

“What’s so funny?”

“You are. You think I like you just because you’re sexy?”

I notice him slightly clenching his jaw and decide to take advantage of this moment. I need to set the record straight. “You think I’m going to open up to you and tell you shit I’ve never told anyone else before because you’re sexy? Because you think I’m a lost soul who’s turned to stripping and need a Prince Charming or a knight in shining armor to save me? If you do, you’ve got the wrong fucking girl. And if you think for one second that giving me a ride home will change any of that, let me know so I can walk the rest of the way. I don’t need you, and contrary to whatever is going on in your mind, I don’t want you.”

He blinks. Then he shakes his head before looking directly into my eyes. “For the record, Emerald—I’m not trying to be your Prince Charming or your knight in shining armor. You’re too fucked up for me to even think about saving you. I don’t have the wrong girl, and I don’t expect you to open up and tell me shit except what I already know. You’re definitely not from Blythe and I’m just interested in knowing where you came from.”


I sigh. “My grandparents are from Blythe. I’m from New Jersey. I moved in with them several months ago. However, I honestly have not thought about you at all. I just think that you’re extremely attractive. That’s about all I can—”

He presses his lips against mine and runs his fingers through my hair, whispering, “Shut up” as he kisses me.

Slipping his hand behind my neck, he pulls my head even closer to his, softly biting my bottom lip.

Besides the pelting raindrops on his hood, the sound of his tongue softly exploring my mouth is the only sound I can focus on.

He slowly pulls away from me, leaving me wanting more, but I don’t let that show.

“Don’t worry,” he whispers. “I’ll still work hard to show you how much I want you.”

I immediately face my window and pretend to be fascinated with what’s going on outside.

As he drives the car back onto the road, I silently scold myself for allowing that kiss to happen, for liking it.

We don’t speak for the rest of the drive—except for when he asks for my address, and when he pulls up to my house I murmur goodbye.

Anxious to get away, I pull on the door handle as soon as he parks, but it doesn’t open.

“Going somewhere?” he asks.

I don’t turn around to look at him because I know he’s smiling.

I hear him getting out of the car and within seconds he’s standing outside my door with an umbrella.

Opening the door, he reaches for my hand. He slips an arm around my waist and pulls me close to his side, walking me down the driveway and up to the porch.

I look down into my purse—searching for my keys, but he tilts my chin up.

“What happened to your car?”

“It’s...I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Do you need a ride to work tomorrow?”


“Do you need a ride?”

“You know I work at a strip club, right? One that’s two hours away from where we’re currently standing?”

He grins. “I’m well aware.”

“I’m actually off tomorrow but...” I look into my purse again.

“But what?” He cups my face in his hands, brushing his thumbs across my cheeks.

“If your offer is on the table for two days from now, I might take you up on it.”

“It is.” He slips his phone into my hand. “Give me your number.”

I save the digits into his phone and hand it back to him.

“Not Your Cinderella?” He reads what I saved my number under and rolls his eyes. He calls it and my phone rings inside my bag. “Feel free to save it under Not Your Prince Charming.”

I smile and finally find my keys.

He stands on my porch until I’m safely inside, looking me over one last time.

I say thank you and shut the door in a rush, but I peer out the window and watch him walk out into the rain, smiling as he looks over his shoulder.

Chapter 10

“Emerald?” Tim snaps me out of my latest dream, forcing me to see that I’m not in Carter’s car kissing him anymore. I’m in a room full of drunks.


“How often did you used to drink?”

I sigh. “Almost every day.”

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