The Bookie (Chicago Bratva 6) - Page 10

I thrust my fingertips inside and come. The heat from the water and steam make me suddenly lightheaded, and I lean into the tile for support.

A knock on the bathroom door makes me shriek in surprise. “Chelle? It’s me.”


I shut off the water. “Hey. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“That’s okay, I’m heading out. Got the title. Bye!”

Oh. Well there goes my dinner date. Not that he would’ve made a good one. I would’ve just been preoccupied with his problems the whole time anyway. I step out of the shower and wipe the fog from the mirror, staring at my naked body.

Huh. I still want sex.

With the bad boy Russian.

I must be out of my mind.



It’s Friday. I require a payment from you before ten, I text Zane as we’re setting up for the game. Dima’s back in town for the weekend, which helps my unsettled feelings.

Zane texts back immediately, On my way now with a big one.

A big one. Interesting.

I knew the kid could pull something out of his ass to settle up with me. He may be young, but he’s smart and has connections and resources. He grew up with money, even if he doesn’t have it now.

Strange that I’m relieved for his sister that he’s delivering. I don’t like innocents being harmed by our activities. Not that she would be harmed. She tried to involve herself, and I find her a serious temptation.

Zane gives the secret knock twenty minutes later, and Oleg lets him in. I hide my smirk when he shudders a bit, eyeing Oleg’s meaty fists. The bruises on his face have turned purple and yellow. He’s definitely subdued—that cocky shit apparently got beaten out of him last week.

He’s wearing a leather riding jacket, and he’s got a red AGV motorcycle helmet tucked under his arm that’s probably worth around a grand new. I might be able to get $500 for it, which means I’d give him $200 credit.

“What do you have for me?” I ask, walking behind the folding table we have set up near the door of the suite to check people in.

He places a motorcycle key on the table then reaches in the inside pocket of the leather jacket to retrieve a title and a parking ticket for the hotel garage, which he lays beside the key. “I guess you already knew about this. Probably know how much it’s worth, too.”

I nod. “2015 Ducati. Valued at twelve grand.” I pick up the title and examine it. “This isn’t in your name.”

Zane gives a huff of annoyance. “It’s in my dad’s name, but he’s dead. I can just sign his name, okay? I’m sure you have some notary you can coerce into forging it.”

He’s not wrong. We have access to anything we need to move stolen goods.

“Where is the bike now?”

“In the parking garage downstairs, space A 31.“

With another guy I might go and make sure, but I have Zane fully under my thumb. He’s not going to screw me. He’s not prepared to disappear and leave town forever. Besides, I know where his sister lives.

“All right.” I look over my shoulder to where Dima sits at his laptop. “Twelve grand off Zane’s account.”

“What about this?” He sets the helmet down. “It’s an AGV. Worth a thousand bucks.”

“A thousand new. I’ll give you two hundred.”

A muscle ticks in Zane’s jaw, but he thumps the helmet down on the table. “Fine.”

Dima makes note of it.

“Hang on, there’s more. This should cover everything.” Zane reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small ring box. I make a dissenting sound, but when he opens it, I am wowed by the diamond ring inside. The stone is big, and the setting is artsy and expensive.

“You steal this?”

Zane meets my gaze from under his dark bangs. I realize he has freckles, too. I mean, I guess I noticed them before, but I pick up on them more now that I’ve seen how cute they look on his sister. “Yeah,” he admits.

“Moving a hot diamond isn’t as easy as notarizing a motorcycle title.”

“Well, that thing is worth a lot. Whatever you get for it should cover me.”

“I doubt that.” The ring is spectacular, but it isn’t worth thirty grand, especially not hot. Still, he made an effort, I’ll give him that. “I’ll try to move it. You’ll get credit for two-thirds of what I get.”

“Two-thirds?” Zane splutters.

“It’s a generous deal, and I only offer it because I’m fond of you.”

Zane lets out a snort. “Could’ve fooled me,” he mutters.

“Believe it,” Dima says. “Nikolai’s pulling all his punches with you, kid. Show some fucking appreciation.” Adrian and Oleg both glower at him.

“I’m assuming the risk of moving stolen goods.” I raise my brows. “Or you can move it yourself and give me the cash,” I offer, knowing full well he’ll get bent over and fucked in the ass at a pawn shop.

Tags: Renee Rose Chicago Bratva Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024