The Bookie (Chicago Bratva 6) - Page 65

I blink at him. Nothing he says makes me panic, but I realize my real fears haven’t been addressed. “Will you ever go to jail?”

He shakes his head. “Highly unlikely. Ravil is married to the best defense attorney in town. Besides, the cops have no reason to go after me.”

“Can you leave it? Would you ever?” I leave off the for me part because I’m making the demand. I just want to know if he’s locked in.

“Code says no, but two of my brothers are already halfway out. Our pakhan is unusually understanding. Arrangements can be made for anything, I believe.”

I unbutton the top of his shirt. “If you hadn’t met me, what would you have done to Zane?”

“I would’ve leaned on him until we came to a mutually agreeable solution,” he says. “Like him signing over the Mustang.”

I undo another button on his shirt.

“What else?” he asks. “What are you afraid of, Chelle?”

“I was afraid you only wanted me for sex.”

He clicks his tongue. “Here I thought that’s what you were using me for.”

I laugh—a relieved sort of belly laugh that releases all the remaining tension in my body. “Well, that’s true. But only because I didn’t think I could handle the bratva thing.”

“And now?” He arches a sexy brow.

“Now I feel better about it.”

“Move in with me.”


His wide, white-toothed smile is a brilliant reward. “I want you to know my friends.”

“The bratva?”

“Yes. And their wives. The whole gang. You will like them.”

The possibility of belonging slides over and lands on my shoulders. Since my father’s suicide, I’ve felt so alone. Like it was just me and Zane against the world. No family or safety net, other than Shanna, who is also quite alone.

The prospect of becoming part of Nikolai’s tight-knit family feels like a return to home, even though I haven’t met them all yet.

“What else, little bunny? What do you need to know before I punish you for leaving me?”

My nipples tighten at his words. “Nothing,” I whisper.

His fingers tighten on my ass.

“What’s my punishment?”

His lids droop. “I haven’t decided yet.”

I roll my hips over his. “Wait,” I say. “Maybe one more thing.”

He pulls my hips to continue the motion I stopped, grinding me over his erection. “What is it?”

“You’re serious about us? Committed?”

“I’m all in, Freckles.”

I smile at him and crawl down onto my knees on the floor, working open the button on his pressed slacks.

“Mm. That’s a good start,” Nikolai rumbles.

I release his erection and grip the base to steady it for my mouth. “Why me?” I ask, the moment before I lick around the head of his cock.

He shivers at the contact. “Are you asking what I love about you, little bunny?”

“Mmm hmm.” I drag out the humming sound as I take him deep into the pocket of my cheek. His cock surges in my mouth, growing thicker.

He sucks in his breath and groans before responding. “I love… your golden lioness eyes. And your freckles. I love your fire and determination, especially because it comes in such a small, adorable package.”

I take him in and out of my mouth with long, slow pulls, drinking in his words and rewarding him for them.

He wraps his fist in my hair but doesn’t pull. “I love this long, thick hair. I love how buttoned up tight you are because it’s so fun when you finally let go.”

I take him deep to the back of my throat, concentrating on relaxing so I can take him deeper.

“I love the way you trust me. That you like to be spanked. I love when you dance around in your kitchen in your panties.”

“Whaff?” I pull off him and stare in shock. “What did you say?”

Nikolai has the grace to look rueful. “Did I mention my brother is one of the best hackers to ever come out of Russia?”

I straighten my back. “Are you telling me…” My mind reels as it puts the pieces together. “My Echo! Were you spying on me through my Echo?”

Nikolai catches my wrist and tugs it to his lips, kissing my pulse. “Just once. The morning after we made our deal.”

My face probably turns a shade of crimson based on how hot it gets. “Oh my God.” I try to cover it with my hands, but he catches my other wrist and holds it fast. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“That is the moment I fell hopelessly in love with you, Chelle Goldberg.”

“Oh God,” I moan.

“I’ll make you deal.” Nikolai’s eyes crinkle.

“What is it?”

“Give me a repeat show, and I’ll forget about your punishment.”

My lips twist into a rueful smile. “I might prefer the punishment,” I admit.

He laughs. “You would, wouldn’t you? How about this? Dance for me, and your brother’s slate is clean. I was going to make you restart your thirty nights.”

“I thought you were all in. Forever. No end date.”

Tags: Renee Rose Chicago Bratva Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024