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It's Complicated: A Reservations Story

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He used to know every one of his clients’ little turn-ons, and he’d used them to his advantage. The Marlboro Man liked Julian’s mouth and his eyes, so he used that knowledge to draw Beckett’s attention there.

“What investment paid out so well that now you’re wealthy?”

Beckett took the bait. A twinkle flashed in his eyes as he placed his wallet on the table in front of them. “I’m sharing secrets with you that very few people know.”

Julian motioned with his finger of crossing his heart over his chest then gave a wink. He pretended to turn a key to lock his lips.

“To make a long story short….” Beckett stopped speaking and shook his head. His smile couldn’t be contained. “I invested in a medical marijuana company—basically a pot farm. They bought a lot of land from me and my father. I flipped that cash around and reinvested in the larger company. It’s paid out in a big way.”

Out of all the stories Julian had contemplated, he couldn’t have been more surprised. “I was expecting you to tell me you invented some sort of bougie tactical gear or weaponry that’s made military life better.” Julian leaned in across the table, truly shocked to his core. “You look like the last person I’d believe owned a pot farm. Are you messing with me?”

“No,” Beckett chuckled, shaking his head.

“So, I’ve used the term Dudley Do-Right when talking about you, and you’ve made millions of dollars off pot?”

“Yeah. Just because I’ve been drinking, and I’m pretty relaxed, I’m going to throw in that my mother’s a fortune teller in New Orleans.”

Julian was rendered speechless. What the hell was he hearing? “No shit?” Julian almost couldn’t get his next question out from laughing so hard. “Do you have the sight?”

As Julian hoped, Beckett burst out laughing and raised his hand to the waitress. “Check, please.”

“We don’t have to leave.” Julian threw out a hand, palm side up. “Tell me about my love life.”

Beckett only shook his head, dropping his hands in his lap. “Maybe next time. Whatever caused you to bow out of work tonight and bring this guy along with you probably means you should get some rest.”

Julian reared back as if offended. “Is that some kind of curve? Did you just brush me off?” The waitress laid the ticket down on the table, and Beckett reached out, swiping it as if Julian intended to pay. He guessed that trait hadn’t moved forward with him into his new life. It never occurred to him to attempt to pay their bill.

“Absolutely not,” Beckett said, still grinning, thumbing through the cash in his wallet. “As if you could get rid of me. I seem bound to follow wherever you lead.” Beckett laid the cash on the table and looked up at Julian. “Did that sound stalkerish?”

“Probably, based on all the twisted things I’ve learned about you tonight.” Julian laughed out loud again because the warmth of such a happy time seeped through him, making him feel good. It had been way too long since he’d felt this free. Maybe Beckett did have the sight because he knew exactly how to ease Julian’s worries and make him feel good again.

Julian pushed from the booth. Woofer immediately got up to follow, bumping into the table with his big body. The dog pinned them both in their seats as he tried to navigate out of the small opening. The humor they shared had them both laughing at the silly dog. Julian grabbed the dog’s leash, helping to guide him out backward.

Chapter 10

Beckett wasn’t sure he’d had a better night in his life. Now that they were walking on the well-lit path back to the hotel and club, Beckett took a deep breath, committing every second of the night to memory. Sea salt hung heavy in the air, the ocean waves churned in the distance, and Woofer walked between them with the man of his dreams, keeping pace with each step… Beckett looked around, making sure he earmarked this exact moment as the ripple in time when his heart went from infatuation to the possibility of finding his one.

Did love always feel special like this?

He didn’t know the answer, but the sheer romance of the moment had him wishing they were at the point of holding hands. Between Northern California and New Orleans, Beckett had always lived around large bodies of water. Still, the draw of the ocean had never enthralled him this way before.

“I’ll be in town all week,” Beckett started, wanting more of this with Julian. “Are you working every night? I could take you somewhere you’ll probably like better.” Beckett gave Julian a side eye, but the man kept his gaze focused on the walkway ahead. The only sign Julian heard him was the cute little quirk he did with his lips right before he teased Beckett about something.

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