It's Complicated: A Reservations Story - Page 59

“Julian, think bigger picture than this moment. I want Coronado to be the premiere Reservations property. I want you to set the standard and train all the management teams that run the other properties. If you don’t follow the rules, they won’t either. Then chaos ensues.”

Julian executed a spectacular eye roll at the reprimand. “Got it, Papi. I promise.”

“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?”

“Apparently, one more,” Julian quipped like he always did, then looked up at the truck. “I gotta go. Stop working and spend this time with Levi. I’m worried about what he’s gonna do without you around all the time.”

Thane’s silence meant Julian’s diversionary tactic had worked. Thane and Levi had less than three weeks before all three Silva brothers left California to join Thane in Maryland full time. It wasn’t Levi who worried Julian the most. Thane loved his new family to pieces. Julian could already hear all the bellyaching to come from Thane missing Levi.

Julian took the silence as his chance to end the call. “I’ll work with Joshua in the morning. Have the management team call me.”

He didn’t wait for an answer before disconnecting. Julian went to the edge of the window, barely able to see inside the truck. The lift kit made the truck and its driver that much more intriguing. He tucked his lip between his teeth as he implied the exact opposite of what he was thinking. “You know what they say about men and their trucks, right?”

Beckett chuckled, a sound Julian seriously enjoyed. The man was so damn sexy. The aviators he wore today fit the shape of his face perfectly.

“Yeah, I’ve heard. Many times, in fact. I’m not compensating for anything, don’t worry. You heading home? Want a ride?”

Julian looked back at his vehicle then reached inside his pants pocket, unsure how far he’d gotten in the unlocking process. He clicked the key fob and reached for the truck’s doorhandle, having to hoist himself up into the seat. The dashboard was a thing of beauty and lit up with all the special LED light kits. He’d been in some nice cars, owned a used Tesla himself, but this might rival the best of the best he’d seen. He could see how the drive to Coronado from so far in Northern California was made a million times easier.

“Nice ride, St. Clair,” Julian quipped, shutting the door then strapping his seatbelt in place.

“I spend a lot of time in my vehicle.” Beckett was a humble guy. He didn’t flaunt his wealth, but this truck was a big fucking flaunt. He wished he could have been there to witness the inner turmoil that had to have played out before he’d bought this thing. Julian could see Beckett really agonizing and justifying his decision to buy something so extravagant.

The truck rolled forward as the GPS voice guided them toward Julian’s condo.

“I know a faster way. Go to the light.” Julian pointed to the streetlight at the end of the long drive leading into the resort. “Keep going straight through the intersection—”

Beckett cut Julian off as he stared in that direction, trying to see what Julian saw. “Go through the neighborhood?”

“Yeah. My place is at the end of the street. There’s a side entrance we could use that leads to my parking area.” Beckett nodded and worked the buttons of his navigational system, turning it off before giving the pedal some gas.

“I got a call from Thane.” Beckett gave him a side eye stare. Julian could only guess what Thane might have to say, and none of it pleased him. He swung his head in Beckett’s direction. He was instantly irritated, but Beckett’s handsome profile and enormous bicep on the arm casually draped over the steering wheel helped ease his sudden ire. The only sign that he enjoyed Julian’s annoyance was the small smile quirking the edge of his lips. “He told me to watch out for you.”

“The motherfucker needs to stay out of my personal life. I’m hiring Ricco tonight.” Julian crossed his arms over his chest, arching up one brow. The other brow lowered in anger as he stared unseeing out the window. What did he have to do to get Thane to back the fuck off?

“Hey now. I had your back and told him you were doing a fine job looking out for yourself,” Beckett explained, the truck coming to a stop at the streetlight.

Julian had to force himself to let his aggravation go. He’d been looking forward to this afternoon all day. Beckett represented a different prospect, and Julian was loving the hell out of it.

“Where’s Woofer?”

He took a deep breath and slowly released it before he felt his shoulders lose some of the tension. “He’s at home. And before you say anything, I know he should be with me.”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024