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It's Complicated: A Reservations Story

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“I had to pull strings to get you that shot,” Julian said, winking at the bartender in question. A person he’d never met before but made a big production of knowing only moments ago when he ordered the shot in the first place. “I can’t use my connections to benefit me. What would that say about me?”

Beckett lowered the glass as he wobbled on his feet. Julian just barely kept the word timber in his mouth as he wondered if this was the time Beckett might actually fall over and pass out. Beckett held his liquor well, but countless different flavored margaritas, and three hearty shots of potent tequila, proved to be Beckett’s tipping point. Good intel to file away in the back of his brain for later.

“Here, you do it,” Beckett said, handing the glass to Julian. “I need to switch to water, or I’m not gonna make it through the night,” he said with a slight slur to his words.

Julian playfully shook his head no.

Instead of rising to the challenge, Julian rose on his tiptoes, circled his arms around Beckett’s waist, and settled in underneath his muscular arm. He beamed up at Beckett as he whispered against his ear. “I have plans for you tonight. One of us probably needs to be drunk to get through them.”

He saw the moment curiosity changed to understanding for Beckett. His drunk date’s grin turned sexy and seductive.

“Plans like you or me top?” Beckett’s voice was a little louder than it should have been for such a personal question. Julian could hear the bartender chuckle as he motioned the customer behind them in line around to be served.

Julian didn’t care in the least.

“Like me on your hot ass,” Julian whispered, blowing against Beckett’s ear as he said the words.

“You ready for something like that?” Beckett asked, his gaze growing darker.

“After last night? Oh yeah,” Julian replied. Beckett nodded and lifted the shot glass, but Julian threw out a hand to stop him.

What was he thinking? If one of them needed to be drunk, it needed to be him. Hell, if for nothing more than liquid courage, Julian took the glass and slammed its contents back in one long swallow. Everyone around him cheered as he dropped the glass on the bar top and didn’t wince as the tequila blazed a path to his stomach. Even Beckett cheered for him. Woofer, at their feet, barked loudly to get in on the action.

What a silly, fun day. It had been so long since he’d felt this free. He was getting his groove back. Julian shook his head and threw his arm out at the crowd.

“Yeah, yeah. Come on, hoss. A new adventure awaits!”

Chapter 24

“I think you got me drunk,” Beckett said, loving the weight of Julian’s hand in his where it had been for most of the day. The salty breeze, the moon rising high in the sky, and the lapping waves hitting his ankles as they walked together on the beach made for a perfect end to a perfect day.

“Me too, which is surprising with the amount of food we’ve eaten today.” Julian’s hand tightened around Beckett’s, giving him a gentle squeeze of reassurance. “You know, he’s gonna do great back at your place. He needs a place to run.”

Beckett’s brain had a hard time connecting Julian’s words. He looked down the beach at Woofer, who’d been off the leash for several minutes now, running and playing in the surf. The city had done very well with its margarita tour. Most of the residents and tourists were at the street party, listening and dancing to the live music that had been playing for hours now. He and Julian were virtually alone on this section of the beach.

“What do you mean, back at my place?” Beckett cocked his head, watching Julian’s lips quirk in the corner, a devious smile forming.

“You have a way of making an honest man out of me.” Julian never looked at Beckett who struggled to understand what in the heck they were even talking about.

“Are you planning for Woofer to come home with me at some point?” No, that didn’t make any sense.

He couldn’t remember having a conversation where Woofer didn’t stay here in Coronado with Julian. Once he left, surely Julian needed Woofer to help him feel safe.

“Why aren’t you answering me?”

Julian rolled his eyes and pivoted his body around, letting go of Beckett’s hand. His fists went to his hips as he came to a stop to confront Beckett. “I think you got me drunk on purpose. Tequila gives me loose lips. I didn’t plan to tell you until tomorrow.”

Beckett nodded and waited, his gaze switching between Julian and Woofer, keeping an eye on both.

“Come on.” Julian urged Beckett to keep walking, and he did, because he’d follow Julian anywhere, especially with the way Julian took possession of his hand, tightly clasping it to pull him walking again. “I bought Woofer a ticket to fly home with you. I should’ve asked, but I was afraid you’d say no. He’s not the kind of dog to be cooped up like he is. He needs to run and be free. You know how to speak his language, and the airline approved his flight.”

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