It's Complicated: A Reservations Story - Page 83

Julian stopped him again, this time drawing Beckett into his arms.

“I’m doing far better than before. I’m beginning to feel like my old self again, and I never thought that would happen. The credit goes to you and that crazy dog. Woofer deserves a good life.”

All Beckett’s attention focused on Julian’s upturned face and the honesty pouring from those perfect lips. His heart connected to the happiness and truth he saw on Julian’s face. Then Julian gave a hard eye roll, and he pushed out of Beckett’s arms as if he had accused Julian of something. His hard stare turned to a glare.

“Goddamn it. You make me want to be a better man. I didn’t pay for the ticket; you did when you gave me your credit card to book your flight. I planned to buy Woofer’s ticket myself, but my credit card is maxed out because of the new colors in the fall collection at Nordstrom. They suit my complexion very well. There’re also some extra fees to accommodate for Woofer. Just take the money off the top of the weed you plan to give me.”

What in the world was this crazy man talking about?

When Julian shrugged as if his explanation solved everything and turned away, Beckett had to reach out, take his hand, and draw him back. “I’ve tried to explain that I’m not the grower. I just invested in the company. I have nothing to do with the actual pot.”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t work free pot into your investment. I won’t believe you,” Julian said, shaking his head as if that were obvious. Julian’s shoulders lifted, and his hand extended in a what-gives motion. “Hook me up.”

Beckett could only stare at Julian’s audacity as Woofer bounded forward, drawing their attention. The seriousness of taking Woofer away, of removing the small amount of protection Julian had, caused Beckett to worry. “I think he needs to stay here with you. He’s here to give you a sense of security.”

Julian reached for Woofer’s head, rubbing until the dog moved enough to have Julian scratch behind his ear. A particularly favorite place for Woofer who wildly thumped his foot. “The next few weeks will be sunup to sundown for me. He’ll do better with you if you have a place for him. We can see how it goes, but he deserves the best person caring for him just like you’ve cared for me.” Julian’s hands reached around Beckett’s, tilting his serious face up. “Thank you for what you’ve done for me.”

“I don’t want your thanks, Julian,” Beckett started, and he didn’t, he wanted so much more.

“Shh. Not now. I’m not ready to go there,” Julian confessed and dropped his chin to his chest, his forehead resting against Beckett’s shoulder. “I’ve enjoyed this week. The connection we share is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I usually feel so guilty when people try to help me, but I don’t with you. I feel like it’s a give and take between us. Honestly, you might be the most functional relationship I’ve ever had. I know what you want from me…”

Beckett unwound one hand and brought his palm to the nape of Julian’s neck. His thumb caressed along Julian’s unshaven jaw before it pressed against his lips, stopping Julian from saying more. “I’m not asking for anything except for you to heal. Let me be here for you.” He wouldn’t push Julian. Not now. They’d made such good strides at building a relationship together. His thumb slid underneath Julian’s chin, lifting his face.

Julian released a heavy sigh as he said, “You deserve better than me, Beckett. I know you want more…” The deep anguish and hurt in Julian’s gaze made every other worry flee. They had tonight and tomorrow. The rest would take care of itself.

“Stop.” Beckett scanned Julian’s handsome face, memorizing how the moon’s glow turned those vibrant eyes into a slate gray. The light reflecting off Julian’s dark strands resembled a halo. Julian looked like some kind of exotic angel standing beneath the stars.

No matter how many times Julian tried to dissuade Beckett or to warn him off, it only made him want more. No, he didn’t expect a commitment from Julian, but Beckett hoped someday Julian would give him the chance to make him happy. When that day came, he’d do everything in his power to give Julian the world. They would find their way, soul connections this deep always found their way together. Surely, they did.

“If he goes with me, will you come see him?”

Julian smiled as relief eased the tension building on his brow. “You know, I’m not really a camping guy. I couldn’t find a glamping option on your website. I’m afraid I need more amenities than your current packages offer.”

“You looked at my website?” Beckett asked, grinning broadly. Julian’s sexy smile grew bigger. His eyes lit up as he casually shrugged his shoulders.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024