It's Complicated: A Reservations Story - Page 102

Beckett gave an irritated shake of his head and tried to arch a brow. The tight multi-purpose hydrating facial mask Julian had applied to Beckett’s skin made it hard for Beckett to do anything more than look super passive, which cracked Julian up too. “My survival camp isn’t a resort. Sunscreen doesn’t just fall from the sky.”

“Obviously…” Julian shot back without missing a beat then took three long gulps of the wine, draining the glass. When he turned away, reaching for the wine bottle again, Beckett caressed a trail up the outside seam of Julian’s shorts, his only garment at the moment. How long had it been since he had willingly and comfortably shown this much skin around another man?

The always ready tingles zipped along the path Beckett made as both his firm hands circled Julian’s thighs, right underneath the hem on Julian’s shorts. His heart did little flips and flops in his chest with each stroke of Beckett’s teasing thumb. Julian reached for the wine bottle, filling his glass again as his cock plumped under the tantalizing rub.

The timer buzzed, and the moment vanished. Beckett dropped his hold and stood, making the small space in Julian’s bathroom even smaller. His guy wasn’t into being pampered. He’d only gone along with the idea of a facial because Julian had insisted. Beckett grabbed the hand towel and reached around Julian to turn the faucet on, warming the water.

“Hey now. Calm down. It’s not a race,” Julian teased, trying to shimmy to the side out of Beckett’s way.

Beckett’s eyes twinkled with a sharp look aimed at Julian. He should have been prepared. Julian was the playful one between the two of them, but he wasn’t ready when Beckett busted a move by snaking out an arm, circling Julian’s waist. Their bodies locked together. Julian’s wine sloshed out of the glass, leaving a trail running down their chests.

“You like it so much, you wear it.” Beckett bent to mash the gooey, drying mess on Julian’s cheek. He squealed and fought to get away. Beckett’s strength kept him wedged right there between the sink’s counter and Beckett’s powerful body. Yet Julian experienced no fear at the forced confinement. In the few seconds of Beckett making a mess on Julian’s face, excitement pumped through his veins as he dumped the rest of his wine in the sink to use both hands on Beckett’s chest to keep him at bay.

The last thing Julian wanted was to push Beckett away. His palms rested against the warm skin of Beckett’s expansive chest. Everything seemed to settle as Beckett’s beautiful face lifted inches away from his. Beckett’s genuine grin made him look as if he were the happiest man in the world to be in this tiny bathroom, roughhousing with Julian.

“You sure look proud of yourself,” Julian murmured, feigning a small degree of frustration. It only made Beckett’s grin brighter before he turned away, letting Julian go so completely that he stumbled backward against the counter.

Julian’s decision cemented in that moment. Made even better because Beckett had no idea what was about to hit him.

Beckett aggressively scrubbed the hand towel over his face, knocking water droplets this way and that as Julian reached for a hand towel. His face still dripping water, Beckett stepped aside, giving Julian room at the sink while reaching for a dry towel. His considerate guy dried his face then draped it over Julian’s head with a laugh.

“Are we done in here?” Beckett asked.

“Not by a long shot,” Julian muttered, tugging the towel off his head so he could continue cleaning his face. He nodded his chin toward the chair while he hung the towel on a nearby hook, and he reached for the moisturizer. “Take a seat. I’m beginning to think you don’t appreciate my efforts.”

Beckett sat, using both his hands to grip Julian’s hips, drawing him down to straddle Beckett’s thick thighs as he took the seat. Julian let it all happen. It was where he wanted to be. He wiggled on Beckett’s lap then squirted a liberal amount of the lotion onto his open palm.

“We’ve got to really spend some time working on your skin to stop the aging. Otherwise, someone might think you’re my daddy.”

“I’ll show you daddy.” Beckett’s barked reply told Julian he had hit the mark and rubbed his hands together before bringing them to Beckett’s cheeks.

“Yeah, promises, promises…” The astute Beckett picked up on the subtle offer in his voice. Beckett’s gaze collided with his as he worked the moisturizer against the fresh, pink skin. No one in their right mind would ever think of Beckett as old.

Julian tucked his bottom lip between his teeth as teasing fingers edged underneath the hem of Julian’s shorts. Beckett tentatively caressed and roamed his hands the tops of Julian’s thighs, always moving slowly and methodically.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024