It's Complicated: A Reservations Story - Page 127

The silence at the table spoke to the understanding of the heavy consequences of such treatment.

“Okay. We now have your contact information,” Detective Ryan said, shoving the documents back into his file and pushing back his chair as he stood. “If you change your phone number again, please make sure we have the information.”

“Absolutely,” Julian agreed, reaching out his hand for the business card Detective Ryan extended.

“I was new to this role when you were found. You were one of my first cases and by far one of the worst I’ve seen since then. I wasn’t sure you would survive. I’m glad to see you doing so well and thankful this part is over for you.”

Julian nodded and smiled as he got to his feet, letting go of Beckett to shake each detectives’ hands. He appreciated someone noticing how much it had taken to get him back on his feet and moving forward with his life again.

“Can we have a few minutes alone before we head out?” Beckett asked.

“Take your time,” Detective Ryan said, shutting the door as they left.

Julian rolled his shoulders then his neck as he turned toward Beckett. “It’s done.”

Beckett wrapped his arms around Julian, drawing him in. Julian clung to him, his body trembling. Of course, this moment would bring tears. Beckett tightened his hold, kissing Julian’s silky hair, wanting to do nothing more than provide comfort.

What he didn’t expect was the small rumble of laughter that followed.

“What’s so funny?” Beckett edged away and looked down. Julian bent in to press his lips to the crook of Beckett’s neck.

“Life,” Julian answered as he unwound himself from Beckett’s hold. “Something that had been hanging heavily over my head for a few years is just solved. If only I had known it was finished about the same time I started having my first flashbacks. All the training and money spent to protect me didn’t have to happen. Micah could have grabbed me that morning.”

“Woofer was on duty,” Beckett said, trying to match Julian’s jovial attitude, but he struggled. Had Micah gotten to Julian before Beckett, he’d have mourned the loss of a man he might not have ever truly known. Beckett cupped Julian’s shoulders, caressing down to his elbows, continuing his path until he clasped Julian’s hands. “I think you should take some time off. Come home with me for a few days and let me take care of you. You can regroup. Meet my family.”

Julian’s tension had truly melted away. He dropped in his seat and reached for his cell phone before he tilted his face up to look at Beckett. “You want me to meet your family? That’s serious. I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone’s parents before.”

“You’ll do fine.” As Beckett had held Julian last night, he’d researched the psychological effects of recovering from memory loss and finally being able to identify his attacker. Julian needed rest, relaxation, and a moment to just breathe. Beckett could provide those things in spades. He reached for his coffee cup and stir stick. “You should probably call Thane…”

“How much longer do I need to wait for an I love you back?” Julian asked.

Beckett’s head snapped in Julian’s direction. He sat there, casually crossing one leg over the other. The weight of the world no longer held Julian at a distance. He looked tired and beautiful and everything Beckett had ever wanted in the world.

“You’re an awfully good guy. My Dudley Do-Right. I can see you not wanting to rock my boat until we got through this morning. It’s okay if your feelings have changed. You certainly don’t have to spend the next week with me.”

Beckett placed the half-full cup into the bottom of the can before he stood to his full height. They were in the middle of an LAPD precinct. Minutes ago, Julian was quaking with uncertainty. His life was completely upended. Beckett narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on his hips. “You want to do this here?”

Julian looked around, his brows lifting. “If it goes in my favor, then we could probably wait. I was convinced this was an interrogation room, and they didn’t believe my statement.”

Beckett chuckled and went to Julian. “This is awfully nice to be an interrogation room.”

Julian barked out a harsh laugh and got to his feet. “You certainly need to keep me around if you think this is nice.” He straightened his clothes as he spoke. His hands then ran the length of his waistband down to the wrinkles at his upper thighs, pushing them away. Beckett was mesmerized. What an immediate, remarkable change. His guy was back, worried about his appearance.

Julian wouldn’t like the deep circles forming under his tired eyes.

“I do need you, that’s for sure,” Beckett said and started for the door. “Come home with me. I’ll call Marc and fill him in. You can call Thane while we’re on the road. Plan?”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024