Alien Bride - Page 3

But us, the alphas who take care of business, risking their standing within the Ubaran Empire are the lowest of the low.

Shamelessly, we bow our heads to Slain. The population despises us for complying.

We step into a rover vehicle, and Rekker steers us to a facility nearby. It’s our HQ, a place where we can go over data and landscape analysis charts.

All for nothing, really. It’s really just a place to hide from the suns.

Rekker slows the vehicle. His face hardens, eyes peering through the dust. “Admit it. You have failed us.”

“Emperor Slain will kill us if we don’t find it,” Vraik cries.

As my feet hit the sunbaked ground, I say, “So be it. This is no life worth living.”

They run after me, but I’m carried by my own arrogance and dissatisfaction. Swiftly, I push through the large, metallic doors, rounding the corner of the brightly lit hallways I regard as my home.

I pass by the med-bay and arrive at another tall door. It slides open as I punch in the code.

The room is filled with blinking and humming hardware. In the center is a colorful hologram.

It’s a picture of a blue planet, another place that could contain Resnyx. I’ve been thinking about abandoning Ferän for those blue waters, but if that planet gives us nothing, I will have no credibility left.

“Resources are running low. The workers are talking,” Vraik says.

I bow my head and exhale. “We treat them better than any of the other mining companies.”

Rekker rounds my left side. His cape creates a violent gust of wind. “If we stay much longer, they will revolt,” he says.

“Then I will crush them into submission,” I growl, clenching my fist.

They’re right. They know the truth. But there’s no fucking way I’ll ever step foot on Ubara again. I hate the Empire as much as the rest of the citizens. They have only given me misery and pain.

Worst part is knowing I may never have a child with someone. Because of Slain’s rule, I will die searching for something that won’t provide me any benefit. With each day that passes, I grow older and more bitter.

I ignore my counterparts’ skeptical looks.

Rekker sits and closes his eyes. “Look, Lök. We have harvested this planet dry. We have enough gold to last us a lifetime. Maybe if we offer Emperor Slain a share of that wealth, he will reward us for our hard work.”

I face Vraik. Are they suggesting we go back to Ubara?

“I’m assuming you’ve both discussed this at great length together,” I say.

Vraik looks over at Rekker, a minor betrayal.

Rekker widens his eyes and quickly shakes his head. “Don’t go there. This has been on the table since day one, and you know it,” he says.

I lean forward and hiss. “Slain’s Empire will destroy everything we’ve worked so hard to achieve. Vraik, are you truly thinking about going back home?”

The big brute’s gold necklaces jingle as he shrugs. “I go where I am told to go,” he says.

I stare at the CTV holograms in horror. The workers have abandoned the shafts. Wielding their empire-issued tools, they speak to one another with hurried gestures.

All three of us stand, silent.

“Look at them,” Rekker says. “What do you think they’re talking about?”

I shrug.

“Can’t you see the storm heading our way?” Vraik asks.

Tags: Penelope Woods Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024