Alien Bride - Page 15

As the dense slime fills my lungs, my body’s instincts kick into overdrive. I twist and turn as every fiber of my being tries to convert whatever this liquid is into oxygen.

Fighting for survival, my body eventually shuts down. My arms go dull. My spine bends my body forward, and I float to the top of the chamber.

My blood feels cold, but I can breathe.

“What is happening to me?” I ask, aloud.

Three aliens appear in front of the glass chamber. One alien, dressed in fine armor, pinned with many strange medals, walks forward. He is clearly the leader of the pack.

He places his hand on the glass. I think back to yesterday, the day aliens invaded our beloved Earth.

The deviant beast growls. “Breathe and rest easy. In the morning, you will be ours to fuck.”


Before I can process any of this, I black out.

Again, I wake. This time, I am in another room. My hair is slightly wet, and my body shivers as the chill air waves around my naked flesh.

Was the chamber just a dream? Or did I really undergo some type of breathing installation?

No, it must have been a dream. There is no way that was real. The human body isn’t designed to breathe in those conditions.

As soon as my eyes focus, I lift my body and groan. Pain extends into my muscles. My ass is covered in bruises. I glance back and see red handprints, the last remnants from being handled.

I wasn’t dreaming.

This was all real. Aliens took me, and there’s no way they’re going to let me go.

As I take a breath, my lungs quiver. I cough and hack out the green slime.

I swivel out of bed and realize I’m not just in another room. I am in my room. But that’s not what startles me.

Four feet stop in front of me. I roll my eyes up to see the leader alpha with one other, a huskier alien with a large nostril piercing and wild tribal tattoos.

“Human lungs are weak,” he states.

I cough and feel the tears squeeze from my eyelids. “It… hurts,” I whisper.

“We have given you the gift of breath. We saved your life,” the other grunts. “Give it an hour. You will feel normal.”

I raise my voice. “Saved my life?” I ask.

“When the other humans are expunged, you will see what privileges we have given you,” the leader says.

I scramble back against the bed. My bed. “Who are you? How did you get into my home?” I ask.

Another alien appears in the doorway, licking his lips.

The leader remains calm. “This must be hard to hear. But we must harvest your planet.”

“And your womb,” another says.

I must be dreaming. This is some kind of fucked up nightmare, terrible in every way imaginable. Eventually, I’ll wake.

The three beings are tall and brutal, with muscles made of steel. Their eyes are intense, pupils glowing red.

I take another breath. This time, much deeper. It doesn’t cause me to cough, but it still stings.

Tags: Penelope Woods Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024