Alien Bride - Page 19

This seems to calm the emperor’s nerves. Leaning back on his heels, the holographic image ponders this, circling the room.

“We did this for you,” Lök continues. “Everything we do is for the good of the Ubaran Empire. Perhaps we aren’t soldiers anymore, but we fought in the early uprisings.”

“Yes,” the Emperor says, easing his temper. “Your resume proceeds you.”

Lök steps forward, gaining confidence. “I’ll admit, the mining contract was a way out for us. But now, more than ever, I’ve realized the importance of our expeditions. If we are to survive as an intergalactic empire, we need to extract as much Resnyx as we can. The more we attain, the less able our competitors will be.”

“All will bow before me,” the Emperor hisses.

“Yes. The citizens will view you as the one true alpha,” Lök says.

The Emperor exhales, turning toward Lök. Clearing his throat, he cracks his neck and raises his chin. “Forty-eight hours,” he says. “That’s not much time.”

“Yes, sir. I understand. Thank you for giving us time to finish the extraction,” Lök says.

His tone is no longer hurried. Smiling, he bows.

He got what he wants. There was no talk of me. No talk of Earth.

As the conversation ends, he bows. The holograph dissipates, leaving him in silence.

He turns in my direction, laughing. A giant breath of relief follows, and I hear him coming in my direction.

If I run, he’ll either see or hear me.

I close my eyes and hold my breath.

He’s coming closer…

I can smell his masculine scent near me. His heavy breathing grows louder. He’s about to turn the corner, but someone calls out to him.

“Lök, we have a big fucking problem,” he grunts.

It’s the bigger alien of the bunch. He looks worried, and I know exactly what it’s about.

Lök turns and addresses the alien. “What is it, Vraik? I’m busy.”

“The human,” he says. “She’s… gone.”

Lök runs forward, grabbing the edges of his armor for support. “What do you mean, she’s gone?”

“Check for yourself. She’s not there,” he grunts. “She has climbed through the roof.”

Lök shakes. “I thought she’d be too weak to climb.”

Footsteps echo behind me.

I grab the catwalk’s railing, slowly lifting myself over the edge. Glancing down. I see the darkness and red rings of light marking each floor. This mothership is at least twenty stories tall. If I fall, I’m toast.

I lower my body over and hang on, holding my breath.

The alien with the cloak arrives at the other end of the cat

walk. His large feet step near my hands, and he sniffs the surrounding air.

“She is near,” he says.

“Rekker. Did you find her?” Vraik asks.

Tags: Penelope Woods Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024