Alien Bride - Page 32

This time, Rekker does what he should. Taking her wrists with one hand, he motions me forward.

I reach into my satchel and grab a small wooden plank with a tight leather strap. Just before she can scream, I force it around her head. I push until she bites the stick of wood.

“The only thing you need to know is that we’re meeting someone,” he says.

Tears ruin her pretty face, but what does she expect? Up until now, we have given her plenty of freedom. Too much freedom.

She is on the most brutal alien planet known to this galaxy. She better shut the fuck up and learn how to behave, or I’m going to give her the biggest spank

ing of her life.

After waiting brings silence, we exit the manhole and continue through the markets. Staring at Emma, I can only imagine what she is thinking.

All around us, neon lights flash. Aliens of all kinds enjoy psychotropic drinks. A few fights break out, giving us a clear path toward a second street.

On the corner is a sign, but it’s no longer flashing. I try the door, but it’s locked from the inside.

Vraik grunts. “I thought you said he was still in the database.”

I grimace and bang on the door. “He is,” I say.

When no one answers, I put my ear against the door. I think I hear something, the sound of glass shifting against a table, but I can’t tell.

“If this doesn’t work, where we will we go?” Rekker asks.

“It’s going to work,” I say.

I knock again. Harder, this time. “Akron, open the fuck up. It’s Lök.”

Glass breaks inside. The sound of someone’s boots scraping grows louder. Finally, the door unlatches and slides open.

Akron, a veteran of the first rebellion stands before us, beard speckled with grey. His eyes are weary, and a deep scar runs down his cheek. “Lök? But that’s impossible...”

I grab his hand and hug him. “What in the hell happened to you?”

He groans and pulls back, shaking his head. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

Rekker steps forward. “It’s good to see you again, Akron,” he says.

Vraik’s eyes crease. Ever since the rebellion keeled off and split, Vraik resented the alpha for settling down. I guess he had high hopes he would have joined us.

Vraik gives a small acknowledgment, nodding at him. “Akron.”

At first, I expect him to move aside, but when his giant body doesn’t budge from the entrance, I grow concerned.

“Who’s the other one?” he asks, eyes trailing down Emma’s cloaked body.

“Prisoner from the mines of Ferän. Request from Slain to bring him back,” I lie.

“Nobody comes back from the mines, Lök,” he says. “It’s like I’m looking at three ghosts.”

Akron doesn’t move an inch, but I can see over his shoulder. There are others inside, sitting at various tables.

I exhale and lower my voice. “Look, we need to talk. We’ve found something you’re going to want to take part in,” I say.

His eyes widen, a nefarious look. He turns, eyeing the customers.

Anxiously, he cracks his knuckles. “Fine,” he says. “Keep your heads down. I lock this place for a reason. There are sentinels everywhere. Unfortunately, one got in a little earlier, but he doesn’t seem to be trouble. ”

Tags: Penelope Woods Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024