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Alien Bride

Page 41

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“Are you sure? I’m a tough nut to crack,” I murmur.

No one has been able to “have” me. Not Ryan. Not the others I thought I loved. I have learned to live alone, so I always assumed I’d die alone.

The two others slide against me, muscles raised and rolling like rounded cobblestone. I catch my breath as I feel their cocks rise against my thighs and ass.

Fingers trickle up and down my body, teasing and tickling the parts that have forgotten touch. I squirm, but I find myself enjoying it.

They touch and kiss my clavicle. Someone’s hand glides behind my upper thigh. Another body forms around my waist.

I have forgotten what it’s like to be touched like this. So wrong, yet so fucking right. I have disregarded the power of sex, real sex. The kind of sex that leaves you breathless and plastered against a bathroom sink or living room window. The kind of fucking that leaves handprints.

They could take me. The alien brutes could easily ravage and consume every hole, but they merely tease. That’s half the fun. There is a risky expectation that I could find myself hurt at the end of this, but that only makes me want it more.

What is wrong with me?

It’s not worth it unless it stings a little.

I back away, ashamed of how I feel. Maybe I’m a closet masochist. No, that’s not it. I know the real reason for my strange and twisted lust.

When the brutes first arrived, I locked eyes with all three of them. From my office, I beckoned them to me. Not with my voice, but with my mind.

They read my thoughts. They knew exactly what I wanted, and they came to me with their calling cards on display.

Somehow, I think I knew they would take me. I can outwardly deny reality until the cows come home, but this is something that I wanted to happen.

It’s something I chose.

That, above everything else, freaks me the hell out.

With frenzied breath, I back against the wall. Eyes focused on their naked bodies, I behold their strength, the undeniable protection they prove against the toughest empire in the known universe.

Their cocks are thick, dense, and impossible to look away from. Their glistening crowns rise through tight foreskin, and a part of me just wants to touch them to see what happens.

Rekker’s voice is smooth. “Be real with us,” he says.

I swallow. With each beat of my heart, I feel weak. “What if I’m making the wrong decision?” I ask myself aloud.

Rekker glides his hand down his pelvis, coiling fingers around his thick cock. He brushes it against the back of my hand.

It’s warm and starting to drip clear beads of alien lubricant.

Moaning, he says, “I think you know what you’ve wanted this entire time.”

The three enclose her again. “Touch him,” Lök says. “Feel his cock.”

Cautiously, I inch my fingers forward. I hover above his shaft, trying to calm myself down. It’s just an alien, I tell myself. What’s the worst that can happen?

Closing my eyes, I trace my fingers across the underside of his shaft. The thick muscle protrudes, foreskin tightening.

“Mm,” he moans.

I find the courage to clench him, stroking upward. “Like this?” I whisper, heart rocketing through my chest.

“You’re doing so good,” Lök says, watching and stroking with anticipation.

Vraik comes beside me, lowering the garb that covers my naked body. First, he exposes my breasts. My nipples harden through the chill air.

He drops to his knees, softly rolling down the edges of my pants, exposing my bare ass.

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