Alien Bride - Page 42

I open my eyes again. Rekker’s cock is sitting in my hand. I rotate my wrist and bring him close to my face. Breathing hot air against his crown, I open my mouth, rolling my tongue to taste the salty droplets that drag down the underside of his shaft.

I don’t give blowjobs. At least, not on the first date. But out here, there is no one watching. It’s just us, and I can be as dirty as I want.

It’s liberating.

“We were meant to find you,” Rekker says.

“Then why does this feel so wrong?” I ask.

Rekker arches his neck, lightly kissing the curve of mine. Endorphins immediately rush through me, skin prickling with more desire than I’m used to feeling.

Gently, he pulls away. A serious look rests in his eyes. “It only feels wrong because you deny yourself love,” he says.

It shocks me.

I have always shied away from affection. When I look back on my past relationships, none of the sex was any good. Most of the time, it was just expected. I rolled my eyes toward my window and waited for it to be over.

Sad, but it’s the truth. There was no one who wanted to connect. It felt like everyone was just floating by, tasting different flavors when no flavor particularly stood out for anyone.

But this, here, with these aliens… they do not beg. They are confident and sensual, like they were made for me. They aren’t the flavor of the week. They are the taste of something completely life changing.

“After what you’ve done, I don’t want you to be right,” I admit.

I feel Vraik kiss down my spin, hands massaging my shoulders. I turn loose, rolling my body forward, grinding my ass against his abdomen until I feel the top of his shaft.

Gliding his hands down, he grips and spreads my cheeks. I let out a shrill moan as he kisses near my pussy, tongue barely grazing my lips.

I know it’s coming. And when it does, it’s warm and inviting.

Lök steps forward, cock slapping against Rekker’s. He nudges it into my hand, but together, they can barely fit.

“We know what it’s like to take all of the responsibility, only to be abandoned,” Lök says.

My throat tightens.

Vraik’s tongue extends, carpeting over my pussy. His mouth soon cups over my clit, and he sucks any and all apprehension away.

“We know what it’s like to fight a losing battle,” Lök continues.

Pleasure vibrates the corners of my body. Deep inside, a knot expands.

I exhale and hang my head. Maybe this can work. Maybe this is okay.

It’s too late to be questioning any of this. Vraik’s tongue burrows deep inside me, snaking against my walls, slurping the wet, viscous come I expel.

Lök tilts my chin, forcing me to stare into his eyes. “We know what it’s like to want something so bad you’d give your life for it,” he says.

“Resnyx,” I mutter.

“No,” he growls. “You.”

“You were the rare element we’ve been looking for this entire time,” Rekker says.

They have scales. Their eyes are shaped like diamonds, glowing different colors. Other humans might see them as ugly beasts. But I can see the beauty now.

Rekker nudges his hips, and I open my mouth, tasting more of him. His entire cock rests in my mouth, pressed firmly against my throat.

I widen my mouth and lower my tongue, waving it across his shaft. Groaning, he forces deeper until he is caught inside of my esophagus.

Tags: Penelope Woods Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024