Trouble - Page 58

“Cold, distant—”

“I’m neither of those things as you well know. I’m realistic and in control of my emotions.”

Her brow furrows and clear blue eyes blink up at me. “You can’t be alone forever.”

“Why not? I’m not uncomfortable being on my own. I don’t understand

why others have a problem with it.”

“So you just go from woman to woman, no feelings attached? Doesn’t that chip away at your soul?”

“My soul is quite well. Don’t tell me you’ve become one of them—thinking you can change me.”

“You said it’s not possible.” She’s quiet as she studies the frosted glass.

So that’s what’s happening? My feisty redhead has become attached? Instead of being disgusted by her emotions, I feel gentle.

“I won’t change.” I slide my finger along the peach fuzz of her cheek, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “But it would be fun to let you try and change me.”

I cup her jaw with my hand, and the vein in her neck pulses. Her breath quickens, and she won’t meet my eyes. In this moment, she’s the mouse, and I’m the lion.

Leaning closer, I slide my nose into her hair, speaking in her ear. “Do you want me to kiss you, Sin?”

Her voice is thick. “No.”

“We could have a lot of fun if you’d relax your rules a bit. I did.”

“I said no.” She pulls away abruptly, and anger lights in my chest.

“Then I won’t. I won’t touch you again until you beg me for it. You’re right, Joselyn, I do sleep with whatever woman I want, and I don’t settle down because I’m honest, and like you, I don’t cheat.”

“And I don’t beg.” She stands, fire flashing in her eyes. “I also don’t have a magic pussy. I only have me, and I am a relationship girl. That won’t change, so we’re wasting our time here. You can text me about your next appointment, and when we’re together, you’d better keep your hands to yourself.”

She turns on her heel and walks out the door, and something shifts in my chest.

No, I’m not melting. It isn’t a sign of weakness, but dammit, she’s magnificent.

Chapter 17


“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be crying about his shit.” Courtney is sitting on the living room floor with her back against the wall, tears streaming down her face, and my heart is beating so hard, I feel sick.

I drove back from the bar vibrating with energy after my conversation with Spencer. Damn him. Damn my feelings for him. I might have said too much just now, but I had to stand up for myself.

I’d been moving fast, chewing on the inside of my lip and thinking of all the things I could have said, when I unlocked the door to find the kitchen table overturned, a chair on its side against the wall, and my bestie sitting on the floor crying.

“Tell me everything that happened.”

“Stupid Ozzy.” She hiccups a breath, and a tremor shakes her whole body. “He’s trying to scare me into coming back to him, like that’ll ever happen.”

“It looks like he was throwing things.” I’m sitting beside her, rubbing her back. “What exactly did he say?”

“He said if I thought I could beat him, I was a fool. He said no friend of mine could stop him. He said no piece of paper could stop him…”

The blood drains from my face, and I notice red marks on her neck. “Did he do this?” I lightly touch her skin with my fingertips, and she drops her chin, fresh tears coating her cheeks.

“He grabbed me, but I pushed him away.”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024