Trouble - Page 71

Ozzy pushes off the floor. “Look what you made me do.”

The sound of his voice spikes adrenaline in my veins, and I shake off my disorientation. I’m on my feet again, snatching up my bag and running at top speed for the exit.

Sticky blood is on my cheek, but I don’t stop running. I’m in the marble foyer, and I see the sign for the stairs.

Bursting through the doors, I run around and around, gasping for air, exhaling little cries of fear, flying as fast as I can down all twenty-two floors to the bottom. I slam the metal crash doors open and don’t even pause for the security guard. I’m in the parking lot, in Betsy, screeching away towards the apartment.

We can’t stay there tonight.

Chapter 22


Rocking back in my chair, I tap my finger against my desktop waiting for Joselyn to appear. It’s Monday morning, and after our encounter Friday night, I didn’t expect her to be late. She’s very law-abiding these days.

On Friday, it took all my willpower to hold back from kissing her. Her reaction to seeing me having dinner with Heather was quite satisfying. What am I going to do with this woman—and Heather with the nonstop jokes.

Heather actually texted me, Some people are worth melting for, which apparently is from a children’s movie. I didn’t reply.

At last, my door opens, and Joselyn breezes in, rolling her chair. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic this morning was crazy, and it took me a little longer to get out the door…”

She’s wearing dark sunglasses and too much makeup, but she can’t hide the large purple bruise and cut held together with a butterfly bandage across her cheek.

“What the hell?” I’m out of my chair, crossing the room. “What happened to your face?”

“It’s nothing. I’m fine.” She waves her hand, but I lightly place my fingers on her chin, tilting her head to the side and doing my best not to hurt her.

“How did this happen?”

“I just… fell.”

She turns away quickly, pressing her lips together. I notice a tremor in her voice, and my stomach knots all the way up to my throat. She’s hiding something, and I have a sneaking suspicion I know what it is. All I can think of is hoodie guy disappearing around the corner outside her apartment complex on Friday.

I should never have left her there alone.

“What made you fall?” My voice is low, icy calm.

“Spencer…” It’s a breathy retort, and she waves as if she’ll brush aside my concern. “It’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ve got it under control.”

Catching her by the arms, I make her face me. “Did he do it? The husband?”

“It wasn’t like that. It was my own stupid fault. I took an appointment with an unknown client. I should never have gone alone to an office building after hours for someone I don’t know. It’s just common sense.”

With every word, the fury in my chest grows tighter. “What office building?”

“Member’s Mark.”

“Where is he now?”

“I don’t know.” She’s quiet, subdued. “We went to the police station and filed a complaint. Since he didn’t actually hit me, and I went there to meet him without being coerced, they’re saying there’s little they can do. I ran from him, and when he tried to catch me, I fell and hit my cheek on the bathroom stall.”

“You were in the women’s restroom… with him?”

She nods, and I can tell she’s afraid.

Her fear has murder on my mind. “You’re not going back to that apartment. You’re not going out of my sight until this situation is resolved.”

She laughs bitterly. “And how do you propose we resolve it?”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024