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“I do.” He clears his throat, and I hear him shift in the leather chair. His voice grows calm, and I recognize now it’s a defense mechanism. “I think we all have the potential to be good or bad, even your dad. From what I’ve seen of you with your mother, I think it’s far more likely you’ll be a good dad.”

Ollie moves around, sitting back on the couch where I can see him better, and when he lifts his chin to the television, the tension has left his brow. My eyes warm, and I want to rush in and kiss Spencer’s face.

I might even beg for it.

Instead, I clear my throat to announce my return. “Who’s up for some Unsolved Mysteries?”

“No!” Ollie groans, turning to face me. “We’re watching Our Planet. They’re doing a show about tree frogs.”

“You know everything about tree frogs.” I take my place as far from him and his creepy pet as possible. “Let’s watch something not gross.”

“You know everything about Unsolved Mysteries.”

“That’s not even possible for anybody.” I shake my head at him. “If it were, they’d have to change the name of the show.”

Ollie exhales heavily like he’s so disgusted. “Tree frogs don’t hurt anybody.”

“Unless you eat them!”

Courtney sticks her head out of her room. “Hey, Olls? Did you finish your homework? I told Mr. Peterson you’d keep up with your assignments.”

“I finished them, Mom!” He calls, studying his frog stepping from his fingers with careful, shaky moves.

I don’t know if she’s growing on me, but Chartreuse is fascinating to watch.

“Okay, ten-minute warning. It’s bedtime.” Courtney lifts her chin. “Hey, thanks again for today, guys. I’m turning in. Early day tomorrow.”

“Night, Court,” I call, standing beside the sofa. “I guess we should turn in as well. I don’t know about you two, but I’m beat.”

I glance over to where Spencer seems lost in thought. He’s so handsome, I wonder what would happen if I bent my rules, especially in view of how amazing he was just now with Oliver.

I’m about to say something along those lines when he stands. A lock of dark hair has fallen over his eye, and he pushes it back, his heavy stainless watch gleaming in the dim light.

“I’ll let you all get ready for bed. Today was a fun diversion. I hadn’t been to the zoo in years.” He pauses as he passes me, lifting the collar of my pajama top and giving me a ghost of a smile. “I’m glad you feel comfortable here.”

I want to catch his hand and bring it to my lips. I want to find what he’s hiding from me, from everyone, and shelter it. He gave me the tiniest peek in the car today. I want to tell him, You are safe with me…

Warmth aches in my chest for everything he’s done, from this safe place to the ice cream to the reassuring chat with Ollie. I want to tell him so many things, but he doesn’t allow it.

“Sleep well.” His tone is final as he turns away, climbing the stairs to his tower.

* * *

I need to get this box out of my car. Elliot’s text is in my face, and I growl as I tap out a reply.

I’m helping Courtney with her son. The last thing I want is to see Idiot Flick.

Send me the address of where you are, and I’ll be there in ten minutes.

How can he know he’ll be here in ten minutes? Either way, I text him Spencer’s address. Tell me when you’re here, and I’ll come out to meet you.

Gray dots float on the screen, and his asshole reply appears. I can meet you at the door like a civilized person.

My jaw clenches and I can’t even resist. You are not a civilized person.

He doesn’t reply, and I go to my room, stomping and huffing. I don’t want to see his ass. I want him to drive off a cliff and his car to explode.

None of that happens, and ten minutes later, the doorbell rings. “I’ve got it!”

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