Trouble - Page 89

“Stop changing the subject. What happened?”

I glance over my shoulder. Spencer always seems to materialize as soon as I start talking about him. Like the devil. “I’ll tell you later.”

Taking my cup, I walk slowly to where Ollie’s sitting, glancing up the dark hallway and wondering when he might m

ake an appearance. My heart is hammering, but I have to act normal. No fawning or crowding.

His eyes were so stormy when he kissed me. We covered a lot of ground last night, and I don’t want him to throw those walls back up.

“I’d better get going.” Court sighs, joining us at the table. “What are you guys doing today?”

“I thought we might check out CMT. They’re doing The Wizard of Oz, and it looks so cute.”

“Cute?” Ollie’s nose wrinkles. “I want to play Roblox.”

“We’re not sitting in the house all day while you play games after eating your body weight in chocolate chip pancakes and syrup.” Also, I’m hoping I might sneak my hand into Spencer’s during the show.

“CMT… That’s the marionette theater?” Court drops her keys in her bag, and I nod. “Do you need any money or anything?”

“I think I’ve got it.”

“Superhero” Tom enters as we’re talking. He pauses at the coffee machine, but when he sees Courtney packing, he comes to where we’re talking. “Are you leaving for work?”

“Yeah, but you really don’t have to follow me. I shouldn’t have any problems getting from my car into the building.”

“I’m ready when you are.”

My eyebrows rise, and I know this guy doesn’t deviate from any rules. I guess Spencer would have his balls if he did.

“Ollie and I are planning to hit the CMT this morning, but maybe Spencer can go with us again? If he doesn’t have to work, of course.”

Tom frowns down at me. “Mr. Carrollton just left for the airport. Stay here until I get back, and I’ll accompany you.”

My heart drops with my jaw. “He… left for the airport?”

“He’ll be in Boston until Sunday morning. I was just getting my instructions for while he’s gone.”

Courtney’s dark eyes flash to mine. “He didn’t tell you?”

“He must not have wanted to disturb us.” Although, I was dressed and running downstairs before him.

Heat climbs the back of my neck, and I swallow the knot in my throat. Courtney is watching me, so I force a smile. I blink my eyes, doing my very best to seem unaffected, rather than confused and hurt he left town for two days without a word after last night.

God, I’ve got to find us a new place to live.

I step over and give her a quick hug. “Have a great day. I’m hitting the shower. When Tom gets back, we’ll head to the park.”

Skipping out of the room, I dash a stubborn tear off my cheek with the heel of my hand. I am not crying over him. I push into the bathroom and switch on the hot water, stripping out of my clothes and throwing them in a ball on the other side of the room.

Grabbing the shampoo, I step into the steaming heat. I want his seductive scent of sandalwood and leather off me. I want it out of my hair.

I’m rebuilding my own resolve.

We’ll see who begs next time.

* * *

“I liked it when the lion jumped out, and all the other puppets started shaking,” Ollie snorts, skipping along beside me and swinging my hand. “And the hot air balloon looked real. I think it was a real balloon!”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024