Trouble - Page 92

All these old things and not a single framed photo.

Spencer said his foster dad was like one of those old dragons, and I imagine a thick, reptilian man curled up on a pile of gold coins, protecting them with all his might as his life slips away, as he never knew the little boy in his care.

Dropping into the oversized leather chair, I pull up my knees, resting my cheek on them. “You don’t have to be this way,” I whisper.

Sadness presses inside my chest, and I take out my phone. I’m breaking my promise… But I was doing a shitty job keeping it anyway.

My fingers tap quickly, and I hit send. Then I switch off the sound, lean my head to the side, and close my eyes.

* * *

My head pops up, and I can tell it’s late. “Courtney?”

The house is quiet, and it seems we’re still alone.

I quickly check my phone, but I don’t have a text. Jogging quickly down the stairs, I hurry to our room. Ollie is still asleep in his bed, and I don’t wake him.

Fear is tight in my throat as I jog to the living area then into the kitchen. No one is here, I don’t see a note, I don’t see anything. Pulling out my phone again, it’s after four. Courtney should have been here two hours ago.

At least I know Tom is with her. I can’t imagine Ozzy or anybody being strong enough to overpower Tom. Still, I don’t like it. If she’d decided to go shopping or something, she’d have told me.

It feels wrong.

Tapping quickly, I send a text to her. Everything okay?

I think about what she told me last night. It’s been a long time since she heard from Ozzy—too long. She was worried about us disappearing without a trace, and we both know he won’t let her go without a fight.

We might be here, Ollie might be homeschooling, but Ozzy still has Courtney’s phone number. He still knows where she works.

“Oh, God,” I whisper. “Please keep my friend safe.”

Returning to the bedroom, I contemplate waking Ollie to see if he’ll at least drink something. His little head is tucked in the pillow, and he’s sweaty. I lean down and place my lips lightly against his forehead. He still isn’t feverish, and I take his cup and plate.

I put Ollie’s things in the sink and wash them quickly. I don’t feel worried about us here. Spencer has state-of-the-art security, and we’re surrounded by metal gates. Still, I can’t relax. I won’t feel better until Courtney checks in with me.

Walking to the living room, I sit in the window seat, looking out at the perfectly groomed yard. Leaning my head on my hand, I push back against the fear. Tom is with her. Nobody could get past him. I just can’t take much more of this radio silence.

I’m about to stand and start pacing all over again, when Tom’s black town car swerves into the driveway fast.

The massive gates close slowly behind him, but he’s already out, racing around the back of the car. The door is open, and he dives in, pulling out Courtney. She’s leaning heavily on him, and I’m on my feet, racing to the front door.

“What happened?” The words are out of my mouth, and I see a swarm of cars pulling up outside the gate. “What’s going on?”

I don’t have time to finish my sentence before Tom is past me, putting Courtney on her feet and slamming the door. “Take her to her room. Nobody goes anywhere until further notice.”

My jaw drops, but Courtney’s head against my shoulder snaps me out of it. I realize she’s been crying, and only one person makes her cry.

“Are you okay?” I search her face for any sign of injury. “What did he do?”

She shakes her head, and her eyes are heavy, miserable. “Courtney, tell me what happened.”

Both her hands cover her face, and her shoulders hunch. A shiver moves through her body, and I give her a hug. “It’s okay,” I soothe, rubbing my hands up and down her back. “Just breathe.”

We walk slowly to her bedroom, and I guide her to the bed where she sits on the foot. Then I step over to close the door. She’s breathing more normally, and she clears her throat, blinking several times before lifting her chin to meet my worried eyes.

“Sly… Would you be willing to take Ollie? If something happened to me.” I’m ready to argue, but she grips my forearm. “Would you?”

I blink back and forth between her dark eyes, placing my hand on top of hers. “What happened?”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024