When We Kiss - Page 80

“Mom’s trying to get me to move back to Charleston.” My eyes are on the half-full tumbler.

“How do you feel about that?”

“Nothing interests me less.”

Robbie rests both arms on the bar and exhales deeply. “You went into the service right after it happened. Then you came straight here after getting out… If you need to take a few days, go back there and check on things, see how you feel, we could arrange that.”

Tabby’s words are in my head. It’s all still back there unresolved…

And she is right here unresolved.

“This isn’t like you, Chad.” Robbie’s hand is on my shoulder again. “You’ve come a long way this year, and you’re always in control. It’s impressive.”

“I’m in love with her.” I can’t believe I said it out loud. Clearly, I’m drunk. Fuck.

“With Tabby?” He sits back.

“I’m an idiot. It’ll never work.”

“Hm… I don’t know.” He rubs his chin as he thinks. “Why not?”

My stomach is tight, and I don’t know how to answer him. I want Tabby more than I’ve ever wanted any woman. It has to work. I’ll make it work.

I realize he’s waiting, and I clear my throat. “I don’t know. Maybe it will.”

“Okay, then.” Robbie grins, sliding off his stool. “Now that that’s off your chest. Let’s head on home. I need to check in at the station, and you need to get some rest.”

He’s right. I’ve had too much to drink. My head’s a mess, and now that I’ve said it, I’m ready to sleep. I’m also ready to make this right, and I’m going to start by going back to Charleston.

Then I’m coming back for what’s mine.



I shut the door in Chad’s face, sat on the floor in my living room with my back to it, and cried. It felt like somebody had pulled the thread on our relationship and all the guts had fallen out. All these things had been waiting to come crashing down, and boy did they.

From Uncle Bob’s speech to Chad’s horrible mom to the discovery of all the things… I feel like the rug got pulled out from under me.

Maybe it’s unfair, since I kept trying to keep it casual between us—not too serious. We’re oil and vinegar, right? We don’t mix. We can’t get serious.

Only I did. I seriously fell for him in a major way.

But we were playing different versions of the game, and somehow the tables turned when I wasn’t looking. I fell in love, while he kept it casual. I told him everything, and he told me nothing. He simply went along for the ride…

And it hurts like hell.

I did not spend Saturday in bed.

Not all day, anyway.

Emberly texted me a few times, but I told her I was too busy working to chat, which was the truth. As a responsible businesswoman, I checked in with Travel Time to be sure everything was up and running properly—it was. Then I took a shower and washed my hair…

Then I wrapped it in a towel and lay in bed watching sad Nicolas Sparks movies all day. I started with Safe Harbor then The Longest Ride, Dear John… finishing with the ultimate cry into your ice cream film, The Notebook.

I’m wearing cooling eye pads when I call Emberly this morning.

“Why are you calling me so early on a Sunday?” Her voice is muffled, and I hear the noise of the mixer in the background. “Where were you all day yesterday? I tried to call… How did your date with Chad and his mom go?”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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