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When We Touch

Page 54

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That makes me laugh. “You sound like a local.”

Tabby is over at the other end of the bar with Thelma and Donna White. They’re chatting, but Ember’s friend is facing me. She’s frozen me out since I got here, but two nights ago at the poboy shop I managed to get her to let her guard down and listen to me. It’s how I got Ember’s phone number. It’s what gave me hope. When our eyes meet, she walks down to where I’m standing.

“How’s it going?” she says. “Made any progress?”

My eyes go to the empty bottle in my hand, and my mind goes to my girl leaving here with Bucky Pepper of all people. “She’s really defensive.”

“You really hurt her.”

Frustration tightens my throat. “I was really hurt—”

“So you say,” Tabby cuts me off, green eyes flashing. “I’m not sure what’s true, but I’m willing to take a chance if it’ll help her. You’d better not make me regret it.”

“If things go the way I imagine, there will be no regrets. Ever.” I mean the words with all the determination tightening in my chest.

“Then what are you still doing here?” She gives me a look. “You saw her walk out with Bucky Pepper, right?”

Sighing, I place both forearms on the bar. “I can’t keep forcing her. I have to give her space to come to me.”

“Ember is only with him to fulfill an obligation.” A quiet voice comes from behind Tabby, and I look up to see Thelma has joined us. “She promised his mother. Ember’s one of the nicest people in town.”

I hold out my hand. “Hi, I’m Jackson, Jack—”

“I know who you are, Jack Lockwood. André’s told me all about you.” She does a little laugh and rests her face against her husband’s chest. His strong arm goes around her shoulders.

“Did I see Ember leave with Bucky?” Donna appears beside Tabby, asking as if she’s trying not to let me overhear.

“She said she was tired,” Tabby says, equally low.

Donna’s mousey brown eyes widen. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

I don’t like the implication of her words. “What does that mean?”

She seems to grow even smaller, looking down at her feet. “I don’t like to spread gossip.”

“What does that mean?” The knot in my throat has moved to my chest.

Tabby makes a face. “Cheryl Ann said Bucky… Well, she said he grabbed her inappropriately, but I’m not sure how much of that you can trust.”

She continues talking, but my vision has tunneled. I’m waving at the bartender trying to get his attention.

“My question is why would she go out with him in the first place?” Tabby continues.

Donna’s voice is still soft, but her words slice through me like a knife. “They say women never lie about things like that. I believe Cheryl Ann.”

“Sorry, man, I hate to leave you like this.” I shove a twenty in André’s hand. “Use that to pay for my beer and call a Lyft home.”

He’s instantly on alert. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“It better not have.” I’m moving fast for the door with murder on my mind.



Our drive back to my place is mostly silent. Bucky has the radio on a country music station, and I look out the window doing my very best not to let my mind replay the feeling of Jackson’s strong arms around me, his scent…

As we’re entering Oceanside Village, my phone buzzes in my purse. It’s a text, and I freeze. Jackson has my number now. I saved him to my contacts. Clenching my hands together, I look out the window, not wanting to be rude, even if this is just a courtesy date.

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