When We Touch - Page 89

“Momma?” The door is locked, and I start beating on it with my fist. “Momma!” My voice is breaking, tears are in my eyes, and I’m shaking with fear.

I’m about to scream again when I see a dark shadow approaching through the lace curtain. The door opens, and I push to go through it, but a strong arm stops me. The door is held in place against me.

“Miss Warren, I’m sorry but you’re not allowed in the house.”

“What?” I’m having trouble catching my breath. “This is my house. Where is my daughter? Is she okay? Where is Coco?”

“Your daughter is upstairs with your mother—”

Red floods my vision. “Momma!” I shout, pushing against the large officer. “Momma!”

“Miss,” the man grunts, holding me back. “If you continue with this, I’ll have to arrest you.”

“Arrest me?!” I’m so angry, I’m shaking. “What is happening here? I want my daughter. Let me go!”

Tears drop onto my cheeks as I continue to struggle. The man is big as a house and equally strong.

“Your daughter is fine. She’s not hurt.”

“Momma!” I yell again, gripping the doorjamb for leverage.

A little voice from above pierces my heart. “Mommy!”

“Coco!” I scream as a new surge of tears coats my cheeks. “Coco! Mommy’s here!”

“Mommy!” I hear her little voice again, and it rips my heart in two.

“Let me go,” I struggle. “Please!”

“Stop this at once!” The rapid clatter of heels on wood accompanies my mother down the stairs to the door. “Emberly Rose! Stop!”

“Give me Coco, Momma!” It’s more of a snarl.

“Calm yourself, Emberly.” Her eyes are blazing. “Colette’s father has asked me to keep her here with me. He has an emergency court order placing her in protective custody with me until he’s able to come to Oceanside.”

“Her father…” My body goes limp as the air leaves my lungs. “Brandon? Why would Brandon—”

“I told you yesterday I will not allow Colette to be subjected to your lifestyle—”

“My lifestyle! What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“She is being kept here for her safety. You are not allowed to see her at this time.”

I’m shaking hard, and my emotions are so tied up, I feel like I’m going to be sick. “Do not do this, Momma. Do not—”

“I only thought you were living in sin. I had no idea the situation was so dire.”

“What are you talking about? Coco is not in danger. She is perfectly safe with me. Jackson loves her. We’re going to be a family.”

She leans closer. “That will never happen.” Stepping back, she waves to the trooper. “Please remove her from the premises.”

“Momma!” I shout, jumping up as the man tries to drag me out. “Do not do this!”

“Mommy!” Coco’s little voice echoes from above. “I’m upstairs, Mommy!”

My heart breaks as the door slams in my face. I stare at the painted wood, shaking and crying. All the questions flooding my mind…

The situation is dire?

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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