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When We Touch

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Brandon is coming?

Where is my phone…



“You didn’t answer your phone…” Ember is curled in a ball in the center of her bed sobbing when I find her in her apartment. “I drove as fast as I could. I went to the cottage—”

“Jackson, help me…” She sits up, reaching out her slim hand.

I can’t bear seeing her cry. I drop my keys, everything at the door and climb to the center of her bed. She’s on my lap in a sweep, holding the lapels of my blazer, burying her face in my shirt.

My stomach is in knots, and I’m seriously panicking. “Is Coco okay?”

She nods against my chest. “I think so. Momma has her… She won’t let me see her! Oh, God, Jackson.”

Holding her on my lap, my arms are around her. “Shh… now. I’m here. I’ll fix this.”

“She has this strange cop at the house, and he wouldn’t let me in… ” Ember’s voice goes high. “Coco was upstairs calling me, and he wouldn’t let me in!”

She covers her face with her hands, and my insides twist. Rocking her in my arms, I smooth my hand down the back of her head. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

A sniff, and she lifts her chin. “I went to pick her up from school, and her teacher said Momma had already picked her up. So I went to the house. She kept saying it was for Coco’s safety… she said the situation was dire. I don’t even know what that means! She’s taking her away from me…”

Her whole body shakes, and I hold her tighter. “Listen to me,” I say gently. “Your momma might have power here in Oceanside Village, but you are Coco’s mother. She can’t take her away from you without proof of some sort of imminent threat.” Another tremble moves through her. “You’ve done nothing wrong.”

“She said it was because we were living together.”

“Impossible.” My mind is racing through all the potential solutions. “Judges don’t take children from their mothers over living arrangements. Unmarried people live together all the time and raise children.”

“She said Brandon got a court order placing Coco in her custody…” Her voice is small, and my brow tightens.

“Brandon is the father?”

“Yes.” She nods against my chest again.

I’m quiet a moment, thinking of who I know in family law. She shudders with another sob, and I hug her tighter. “Okay, but you’re still the only parent Coco has ever known. Judges care about that. Brandon forfeited his custodial rights years ago.”

“I said we were going to be a family, and she said that would never happen.” She buries her face in my chest. “Oh, Jackson—she can’t do this to us again.”

My fingers thread in the back of her hair. “Hush now, she’s not doing anything to us. I told you I’m going to fix this. I am.” The panic of Coco being hurt or worse has subsided and anger is driving me now. “I want to se

e that order.”

I’m just pulling out my phone when the door bursts open and Tabby runs in followed by Chad Tucker.

“Sorry I was gone longer than I expected.” Tabby’s voice is sharp with the same anger flooding my chest. “Jackson! Thank God.”

I give Ember another hug, speaking right at her ear. “Sit tight. I’m going to see what I can find out.” Her small hands tighten on my shoulder blades, and I hate letting her go, even to make a phone call. “Tabby’s here. I won’t be far.”

I give her best friend a nod and slip out of Ember’s arms. I immediately hate the cool absence of her body sheltered by mine, but I’m determined to get Coco back with her mother tonight.

Chad meets me as I go to the balcony. “I talked to the trooper. He said it’s a judge Anniston who signed the order.”

“I don’t know him, but I’m not familiar with all the judges in this area.”

“I had no idea this was happening.” His voice is laced with frustration. “I would never have let this happen.”

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